- So the video that CNN is running from Times Square every 15 min is not even of a suspect? WTF… #
- RT @mashable 7 Ways to Customize Your Real Life Online http://bit.ly/bv5oQJ #custom #customize #design #
- Really…? Now we have a Rep who is saying that the bomb in Times Square was targeting Comedy Central for South Park. #
- @digitalhumanist Yes, it is a new feature. Pretty recent. in reply to digitalhumanist #
- @yongclee Hey! I heard from @ksshew that you might be interested in talking about social media and tech at GMU, where I do exactly that. #
- @foxyromaine Ahoy! in reply to foxyromaine #
- 17 Easy Steps to Brilliant Blog Posts http://ff.im/-jLqcE #
- Programming Language for Kids Banned from Apple App Store http://ff.im/-jLqn3 #
- Should You Get a Journalism Degree? http://ff.im/-jLqwm #
- America’s Churches Will Shut Down Because ‘Young Adults’ Don’t Ever Go To Church http://ff.im/-jLqCv #
- Why Content Curation Is Here to Stay http://ff.im/-jLyhl #
- @yongclee Sounds good. I've actually worked with Prof. Matz quite a bit in the past. I'd be glad to help out. in reply to yongclee #
- PBS launches dashboard for tracking social media impact http://ff.im/-jLSzN #
- RT @pubperspectives Alice Born Digital: How Transmedia Storytelling Becomes a Billion Dollar Business http://ow.ly/1qwxr1 #
- Apple Could Face Antitrust Inquiry Over Flash Ban [REPORT] http://ff.im/-jLYlx #
- I just started playing Dead Space. http://ff.im/-jOxP4 #
- New Craigslist Scam Harvests Your Cellphone, Crams $9.95/Month http://ff.im/-jOZ4G #
- Music spree kicks off in Beijing http://ff.im/-jP4nt #
- Students in Arizona struggle with state universities' tuition hike. http://bit.ly/ar3z1U #
- @MacDivaONA Heh "Look only at the familiar face of Jon Stewart. Know that he will get you through this. Trust in him." 😀 in reply to MacDivaONA #
- @cohenspire Oh hey, what did you talk about? in reply to Cohenspire #
- @Cohenspire Very cool. in reply to Cohenspire #
- @wamitchell That sounds like a very cool idea. I'm all for it. Perhaps it would work well with Digital Capital week? in reply to wamitchell #
- Infographic of the Day: The Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Will Be Bigger Than Valdez in 35 Days http://ff.im/-jPoQk #
- Just finished off a fascinating convo with @bobbysaini from @volunteeract – Highly recommend him for a follow. #
- Joomla And WordPress: A Matter Of Mental Models http://ff.im/-jPSlG #
- Health Supplement Guru Nearly Dies After Ingesting Own Product http://ff.im/-jPSqj #
- Phoenix Suns will wear ‘Los Suns’ jerseys as partly a political statement against ‘flawed’ state law. http://ff.im/-jPSqx #
- RT @MacDivaONA: Show me the money: Penn grad student @albertsun posts his thesis on news website revenue models http://cwu.me/9t1kwp #
- I just started playing Dead Space. http://ff.im/-jQ77h #
- Google Editions eBook store coming this summer http://ff.im/-jRqyi #
- Serbian model stole 370.000 euros from breast cancer fund http://ff.im/-jSybF #
- Hellfire on Campus! http://ff.im/-jSybE #
- RT @UPIU Check it out: The Consumerist ran with a story linking to a UPIU student-submitted article – http://bit.ly/dkgevt #
- @ksshew Heh, what made you decide to do that? #
- @KevinLoker Ooo. Very cool. Sort of like the Twitter Times but more new media. Sadly, no RSS feed. in reply to KevinLoker #
- @KevinLoker Heh, you should check out http://prezi.com. I saw it through @isCool and I can't wait for an opportunity to play w/it in reply to KevinLoker #
- I liked a YouTube video — Google Chrome Speed Tests http://youtu.be/nCgQDjiotG0?a #
- Really good free food at The Rat right now. #
- Kaplan College-Test Company Selling Loser Newsweek Magazine http://ff.im/-jSOXW #
- I liked a YouTube video — George Ginovsky: No Danger in Tidewater http://youtu.be/mpk2d_aw31Y?a #
- I got to find out what was going on at Tidewater today. Gunpowder ingredient, PVC pipes and water bottles, oh my! 😛 – http://bit.ly/cHAsPY #
- QR Codes + Art = QR Arts http://ff.im/-jTgyo #
- @rkudeshi If you set it up with a forward, it will continue to forward to that address for quite a while, I've heard as long as two years. in reply to rkudeshi #
- Save Money By Switching To Century Gothic – The Consumerist http://ff.im/-jTxL4 #
- Retail Policies Do Little To Curtail Shoplifters http://ff.im/-jTBId #
- Palin polarizes women voters with abortion stance http://ff.im/-jTBIf #
- Danube washing bad past http://ff.im/-jTBIg #
- Retail stores' policies benefit shoplifters http://ff.im/-jTBIh #
- Asians shading blue: Asian-American vote leans toward Obama http://ff.im/-jTBIe #
- Think Progress » Media Ignore The Fact That Man Who Alerted Police To Failed Times Square Bombing Is A Muslim Immigrant http://ff.im/-jTDgf #
- Struggling to find a first job http://ff.im/-jTDyU #
- RT @GuyKawasaki: Ellen Degeneres spoofs Apple and gets in trouble http://tinyurl.com/2ekk76b #
- RT @JimMacMillan @JamesBenesh: Live (I believe) video from foxnews.com shows the triborough bridge http://bit.ly/DxNB1 #
- I just started playing Dead Space. http://ff.im/-jTMBt #
- Watching "Stretching Your News Budget with User Content" on #poyntercast Hoping to get some good tips on community journalism #
- Any live tweet comments from today's #poyntercast will be on my live account @AramZS – follow me there if you are interested #
- Recruiting teams around projects that can be used for future projects #poyntercast #
- The launch: call outs everywhere, get people to sign up and provide a very specific task right away w/instructions #poyntercast #
- Keep track of questions asked by citizen journalists and share them w/answers with the group #poyntercast #
- Community manager's job is to manage the flow and pace of the project #poyntercast #
- Big emphasis on providing specifics for citizen journalists to fill in. #poyntercast #
- You need to be in contact with your 'invisible army' make sure you get people to sign up #poyntercast #
- Show that the project has a limited amount of work and help the small dedicated groups that emerge #poyntercast #
- @Mason_Photog Thanks! 🙂 in reply to Mason_Photog #
- I just started playing Castle Crashers. http://ff.im/-jVTR9 #
- Large video game worlds to scale – http://i.imgur.com/uBWCz.jpg [Very nifty!] http://ff.im/-jWaf1 #
- Lessons In Brand And Social Media Storytelling – PSFK http://ff.im/-jWlep #
- GQueues is A Google-Oriented Task Manager [Task Manager] http://ff.im/-jWpRg #
- Digg lays off 10 percent of staff http://ff.im/-jWpRi #
- I unlocked the Maximum Firepower achievement on Castle Crashers! http://ff.im/-jWxtG #
- Budget Activists Get D.C. Council to Dress Up Like Superheroes – DCist http://ff.im/-jWDnE #
- @MacDivaONA @mattwynn Really? Ugh. What is going on in that state? >.< #
- Have a topic suggestion for this Sunday's #collegejourn #cjchat ? Send me a Tweet. #
- Bladeless wind turbine inspired by Tesla http://ff.im/-jZbHz #
- RT @MacDivaONA Just how did "Iron Man" go from small-time comic book hero to blockbuster movie franchise? http://cwu.me/a9ZBlY #
- AFP steals and sells TwitPics, claims that they can take anything off Twitter for resale, sues original photographer http://ff.im/-jZxTp #
- Obama, others to speak at Va. commencements – The Virginian-Pilot http://ff.im/-jZGJN #
- I just started playing Castle Crashers. http://ff.im/-jZSqL #
- I'm at Pei Wei #
- I just started playing Castle Crashers. http://ff.im/-k0GYr #
- I unlocked the Conscientious Objector achievement on Castle Crashers! http://ff.im/-k0TPL #
- I just started playing Castle Crashers. http://ff.im/-k1L3p #
- I unlocked 2 Xbox achievements on Castle Crashers! http://ff.im/-k2kya #
- I just started playing Dead Space. http://ff.im/-k2ntk #
- I just started playing Dead Space. http://ff.im/-k2GjY #
- Another View Of Video Game Piracy – Piracy – Kotaku http://ff.im/-k2Xn9 #
- Five Scary Facebook Monsters Just Waiting To Grab You http://ff.im/-k2YiU #
- @fredmcclimans I hear that Publish2 is sneaking in there, but not a lot as far as I know. in reply to fredmcclimans #
- @fredmcclimans Keep in mind that Twitter and blogging still hasn't made a truly significant impact in cj classes as far as I've heard. in reply to fredmcclimans #
- RT @smcdc: Hi DC, SM Breakfast tickets are only $5 this month and on sale now! Don't miss it – http://bit.ly/smbdc #smbdc #smcdc // #
- @TauhidChappell That's a whole bunch of topics, but good ones. Let's start off with apathy. Thanks! in reply to TauhidChappell #
- Today's #cjchat topic is from @TauhidChappell – How do u fight student apathy in your #collegejourn organizations? See you at 8PM EST today! #
- @YasminTadjdeh Yeah, I just picked it back up again. I'm trying to get more achievements. in reply to YasminTadjdeh #
- Hey @saragregory @byersalex @polarscribe @BrianMuzullo @Amadeus3000 @emilyesmith @newzed @tdungjen Hope you join us tonight for #cjchat 8PM #
- Hey #collegejourn – Welcome to tonight's chat. We are going to talk about how to combat student apathy in the newsroom. #cjchat #
- @suzanneyada Sounds like fun! in reply to suzanneyada #
- Slight technical difficulties on my end folks. Internet issues #cjchat #
- @TauhidChappell Yup 🙂 8 to 10 p.m. We're almost done for tonight. #
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