Twitter Updates for 2011-03-27

27 03 2011
  • Wow, this place is jumping for a weekend. (@ Office of Student Media) #
  • "Facebook and twitter are not the reason this revolution started … it is because people wanted dignity" #oneblue #
  • Join the conversation about social media in the Middle East with the hashtag #oneblue #
  • Do you have any questions about social media in the Middle East or what has been going on in the Middle East in general? Use #oneblue #
  • We are streaming the conversation about social media and the Middle East with Aziz Abu Sarah live at #oneblue #
  • @ctoverdrive Do you have any questions to ask Professor Aziz Abu Sarah? I can pass them along. #
  • "Islam is an important part of Middle Eastern countries… however the dictatorships have used and abused Islam." #oneblue #
  • 'Democracy will result in a better Islam' #oneblue #
  • "If Islam wants to have a bigger role, that's a right, as long as the respect the elements [of Democracy]" #oneblue #
  • 'Muslims have the right to have their values be part of their democracy' #oneblue #
  • The quotes on #oneblue are coming from Aziz Abu Sarah see more about him at #
  • @Raakin – It's just recently that regimes have seen the value of using social media for spying or otherwise says Aziz #oneblue #
  • Our host asks if the fear of monitoring on these tools can slow the rate of protests or democracy #oneblue #
  • Aziz responds that it is only if the group is small. "Yes, governments will always monitor … but that is a normal price" #oneblue #
  • #oneblue 'As long as there will be large groups it will be very difficult for the governments to use social media as a tool of oppression' #
  • "AJ has become much more well known [in the west]" #oneblue #
  • #oneblue Al Jazeera Arabic helped the protesters through the distribution of information #
  • #oneblue 'Al Jazeera Arabic provided a significantly different view than the state-run stations across the Middle East. ' #
  • "Al Jazeera has an advantage that most Western stations do not have, they understand the culture" #oneblue #
  • 'Al Jazeera can present the Middle East in a much different view than Western channels' #oneblue #
  • RT @ctoverdrive what is the most creative example of SM media use he's of or seen during the recent protests? #oneblue #
  • @ctoverdrive I'll pass it along #
  • You can watch our behind the scenes livestream at #oneblue #
  • Talk about the state of the #MiddleEast and how social media has impacted the situation there with expert Aziz Abu Sarah using #oneblue #
  • "I think media has often demonized religion in the Middle East … and that is a mistake" #oneblue #
  • The role of the media … is to build bridges and bring people together" #oneblue #MiddleEast #
  • "For the first time, there is actually a chance to reach out to the people… but you cannot do so w/o understanding their beliefs" #oneblue #
  • #oneblue Q: 'Do you think that the protests will result in more positive media coverage of Islam or are they downplaying it?' #
  • #oneblue A: "I think that what is going on with the protesters now is crushing that stereotype … the terrorist" #
  • "You can see people cleaning up the places they are protesting, completely against the stereotype of the terrorist" #oneblue #
  • "Fox news… is trying to make it seem much worse. … Saying now that a democracy started by the people not us is not acceptable." #oneblue #
  • #oneblue For clarity the 'us' in previous tweet is meant to imply FOX. #
  • Q: "Why so much hate towards Islam in the media" #oneblue #
  • A: "I think they [the media] need someone to be the villein" #oneblue #
  • 'It is our mistake … if we [Muslims] don't go out and try to correct the misconceptions' #oneblue #
  • 'We can't let ourselves [American Muslims] say that we are more civilized… there are plenty of peaceful Muslims around the world' #oneblue #
  • The quotes from #oneblue are #GMU Professor Aziz Abu Sarah #
  • Talk about the state of the #MidEast and how social media has impacted the situation there with expert Aziz Abu Sarah using #oneblue #
  • #oneblue The Egyptian example example where a million people liked the page in protest of a citizen being beaten. @ctoverdrive #
  • @ctoverdrive #oneblue I'll ask the spelling so we can pull up a link. It was not brought up in the Western Media #
  • "American and Arabic youth can finally connect to each other" #oneblue #
  • #oneblue social media is breaking down walls that have existed for many years. #
  • #oneblue @ctoverdrive The example he gave was 'We are all Khaled Said' #mideast #socialmedia #
  • #oneblue "Social media can play mainly a role of surprise … such as #Jan25 " #
  • "One of the most important elements of protest is surprise" #oneblue #
  • #oneblue "Social media brings a dialog that has never existed before and that can bring action and that can surprise gov't" #
  • @ctoverdrive it was a great question. What did you think of that Facebook page? #oneblue #
  • Thank you to everyone who participated in today's #oneblue broadcast. We'll be doing another one on April 2. #
  • @steveklein yes that was one of the questions that was answered early on in #oneblue – video should be out soon. #
  • @sarahraslan If you missed today's #oneblue show we'll announce the release of the final video on our Facebook – #

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