- An awesome illustration of the Browser Wars http://feedly.com/k/k4YS0i #
- Employment Site Monster Starting a Network on Facebook http://t.co/0isKrnR via @mashbusiness @mashable #
- LulzSec Shuts Down, Ends Hacking Campaign http://t.co/UCLM1HU via @mashabletech @mashable #
- The Right Tools for the Right Jobs http://feedly.com/k/iTf8Lo #
- Skype’s Worthless Employee Stock Option Plan: Here’s Why They Did It http://feedly.com/k/j5GgLw #
- Mobile App Discovery Is a Developer Problem, Not a Consumer Problem http://feedly.com/k/mmvtvS // The solution is word of mouth. #
- Dotspotting to make city data more legible http://feedly.com/k/kK0DZy #
- BBC creates public Reith Lectures archive online http://feedly.com/k/mcqobp #
- Bloggers showing ‘plenty of interest’ in writing for HuffPo UK http://feedly.com/k/jbpEDg #
- Thoughts on #jconf and why it has to happen now http://feedly.com/k/iATeKI #
- Student Editors at College of DuPage Continue Push for Faculty Adviser’s Reinstatement http://feedly.com/k/mh67AG #
- Star Wars Galaxies to go offline in December http://feedly.com/k/j4c0OY #
- Fair use isn’t much good if you can’t afford it http://t.co/FcGbfC4 #
- Help me increase my Social Media percentile and find out where you rank! http://t.co/0Jh8zAl via @mixtent #
- @paulconley Thanks for the vote on @mixtent! I'm finding their whole voting system sort of bizarre. Would you use it for recruitment? #
- Anyone have a favorite presentation pointer they can recommend? I need to buy one. #
- @marianneworley Hey, thanks! Happy Monday to you. Always glad to be recommended by @JohnAguiar #
- @ethanklapper Haha. That is a pretty awesome Twitter account. #
- Interesting discovery today: If you google "cyberpunk syllabus" the first page to show up is a George Mason University class syllabus. #gmu #
- @mattduble Someone was asking for good cyberpunk books and I knew I had read a bunch of them, but was having trouble with titles. #
- I'd really like to do Tumblr, except for the being on Tumblr part. http://ff.im/-GLjeU #
- @obrienmedia I think Tumblr is a good idea. I'm just not so big a fan of the network aspects or hosting it on their server. #
- @rachaelgk Do you get a lot of value out of your own Tumbls or more from your re-Tumbls? #
- Google Quietly Rolls Out WDYL.com: A Range Of Google Product Results On One Page http://feedly.com/k/kDpEgb #
- Are Facebook and Foursquare toying with a merger? http://feedly.com/k/lFAYhi #
- Google Chairman Eric Schmidt: Web censorship is on the march http://feedly.com/k/iD98IF #
- WordPress Plugins: How to Know if You Have Too Many http://feedly.com/k/kE5ATz #
- Twenty Eleven Post Formats – What Are They and Why Should I Care? http://feedly.com/k/iYbxNu #
- Tom Rouse: political blogging is an option for aspiring journalists http://feedly.com/k/mp34Ze #
- Twitter for Newsrooms as a relationship-building guide http://feedly.com/k/mF6hWn #
- Twitter's Staff is Growing Fast, But Has a Dangerous Shortage of Power Users (Infographics) http://feedly.com/k/lHQ00F #
- Dan’s Journey to Iraq: A Student Press Adventure, Part 1 http://feedly.com/k/jAIhA3 #
- When websites stopped being things http://feedly.com/k/iLaW3Q #
- Texas to defund Planned Parenthood http://feedly.com/k/mmNF0D #
- "Dora the Explorer is a videogame; you just don't play it." http://t.co/2jpBRag #
- @nitemaremodenet Just hit 100 hours of Gratuitous Space Battles >.< #
- RT @KrisLigman: Play-Along Club: 'Planescape: Torment' Week 0 http://t.co/nbUJ3v6" #PlanescapePAC #
- How to Be a Journalist in 2011 – great article by @laureninspace http://t.co/vIXwPwi #collegejourn #
- My main fear about Skyrim is that it doesn't seem like it could be as good as it looks. #
- Google+, A New Collection of Social Tools by Google: http://t.co/pUFwIVV // Looks nifty, especially the group chatting service. #
- @cyberdad That is a pretty weird premise for an article. #
- Why is WaPo so full of fail? http://ff.im/-GQ6nD #
- @tjortenzi But is it produced under the Post brand? If it is where do you keep it? #
- @TechChange Yeah absolutely. Still have my email? We can hash out some exact time and place. #
- @tjortenzi Good stuff! They should be in their own section on the front. Why are they behind a button at the worst location on the page? #
- "The debt ceiling is the wrong place to draw a line in the sand" http://feedly.com/k/meKBwy #
- Hootsuite Publisher Function http://feedly.com/k/m2fpNT #
- First Night With Google Plus: This is Very Cool http://feedly.com/k/mcn7eb #
- Why we need Google+ http://feedly.com/k/jHlYit #
- XKCD on Google+ http://feedly.com/k/llEXXs #
- A year of food consumption visualized http://feedly.com/k/jtLFUo #
- Super Socialize Me http://feedly.com/k/m82duT #
- WordPress 3.2: Browse Happy or Browse Crappy? Is forcing users to update their browser the right way to go? http://feedly.com/k/kleovX #
- Google Yawn http://feedly.com/k/j8JRqM #
- Your First Hit of World of Warcraft is Now Free-To-Play Until Level 20 [Blizzard] http://feedly.com/k/iHBCYb #
- Naomi Schaefer Riley in 'Chronicle' on Academic Freedom and Courage http://feedly.com/k/kPaTBC #
- Moving fast with our service project for the #ulretreat2011 with @MasonULife (@ Student Union Building I) http://4sq.com/jZjhki #
- Tea Party Hero Takes ‘Pro-Bullying’ Stance Toward Gay Teens http://feedly.com/k/mdwFTd #
- The Power of Google+: Privacy "Circles" the Entire Experience http://feedly.com/k/mCKq5M #
- +1 reporting in Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics http://feedly.com/k/iDWTDF #
- Textbooks, Professors, and Technology (Video) http://feedly.com/k/m9vYlp #
- Check Out the New Google Fonts Directory http://feedly.com/k/mtkIgi #
- Opting-out of Google Plus http://feedly.com/k/jjtZ2Q #
- Skype For Android Now Supports Video Calls, Works Over WiFi And 3G http://t.co/8UVRYFe via @techcrunch #
- @andrea_r Yeah, now that people can directly see the results of +1 actions I bet we are going to see a serious increase in use. #
- A Bold Step Forward in the World of Social Photo Sharing with Google+ http://t.co/GCK440f #
- Export your Facebook friends to Google+ with this Chrome extension http://t.co/vXrvpir #
- Why yo momma won’t use Google+ (and why that thrills me to no end) http://feedly.com/k/lXvlyA #
- My thoughts 24 hours into Google+ http://feedly.com/k/l5wjme #
- Turn Google+ Into Facebook http://feedly.com/k/kTaGDf #
- Public Domain Images Are Just That — Public http://feedly.com/k/kzDGsk #
- A preview of Gmail’s new look http://feedly.com/k/mywdtR #
- Organizational charts in major tech http://feedly.com/k/kIuDHD #
- The Anatomy Of An Effective Web Design [Infographic] http://feedly.com/k/iSFb6I #
- LOTR & World Of Warcraft Stained Glass http://feedly.com/k/iwRtqx #
- What is out there for mobile learning http://feedly.com/k/kjhQkp #
- I can’t believe I’m writing a blog post about Google+ http://feedly.com/k/lkfogV #
- Richard Doherty: Young journalists just get dumped for the next free person, says former NUJ General Secretary http://feedly.com/k/kmzsqr #
- A year after its big redesign, how Google News is thinking about the best ways to present news stories http://feedly.com/k/iE93JD #
- @DavidAKennedy Yeah, that was my thought as well. FriendFeed had a geeks-only audience and it didn't work out too well for them. #
- Michele Bachmann Reminds Everyone She Won’t Mud Wrestle Sarah Palin http://feedly.com/k/ki0vLW #
- Twitter Is Being Investigated By The FTC http://feedly.com/k/kerOBm #
- WordPress 3.2: Bring Back Your Network Admin Link With Our Free Plugin http://feedly.com/k/lso9fo #
- Plizy: a new way to discover video on the web http://feedly.com/k/iY8Fek #
- Create a Quick and Dirty Plugin to Tweak Your WordPress 3.2 UI http://feedly.com/k/mTLV6i #
- Dan’s Journey to Iraq: A Student Press Adventure, Part 2 http://feedly.com/k/m51lMJ #
- Local papers should embrace ‘non-journalism’ to help start a community http://feedly.com/k/iY5B79 #
- Curiosity made collaborative: Apture’s “Hotspots” feature brings crowdsourcing to link generation http://feedly.com/k/jfScqN #
- DC Universe Online adds microtransactions http://feedly.com/k/jWES2L #
- 'Minding the Campus': 'Let's Make Sure Those RA Brains Are Properly Washed' http://feedly.com/k/mnYanE #
- Aggregation Is Invisible In Google+. Thank Goodness. http://t.co/x5yRdmS #
- Flash to HTML5 Converter of the Day http://t.co/l1ePdor #
- Google+ Code Hints At Social Games http://t.co/LVFwjoy via @nitemaremodenet #
- One fun thing you can do with Amazon downloadable games that you can't do w/Steam? Tell it to download to one computer from another computer #
- @davidakennedy I think Circles are a great idea with 1 major flaw. You should be able to make some circles public and allow people to join. #
- @marsattac Thanks for the #FF ! #
- @kelshew Thanks for the #FF ! Glad I was helpful. Trying to stay on top of this whole G+ thing. I figure I'll do a round up on Monday. #
- Who Won The 6,000+ Nortel Patents? Apple, RIM, Microsoft — Everyone But Google http://t.co/qwWzqZ7 via @techcrunch #
- Always wanted to try Spore, but didn't wan't to pay a lot. Good thing it is super cheap for Amazon's July 4th sale http://t.co/JWoKXJf #
- Going through our now 3 or 4 year in-use Drupal site's database. This is horrifying. #
- @kierduros Was able to do a half decent job of transferring it to WordPress though. Can't get categories to transfer for some reason. #
- Book industry balance continues to tilt towards the author http://t.co/ske4g2y #
- Why I'm Rooting For Google+ http://ff.im/-H7SVG #
- Hulu in talks with everyone, including Microsoft http://feedly.com/k/kDsyLE #
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