Five Best Tools for Managing Your Multi-Monitor Setup – Multiple Monitors – Lifehacker
23 04 2010Tags : aggregator, community, design, development, fonts, framework, graphics, inspiration, interactive, iphone, journalism, mobile, multi-monitor, rainmeter, reference, software, tool, twitter, typography, webdesign
Categories : Links
Portfolio of grahic design student Julian Hansen
23 04 2010Tags : aggregator, community, design, development, fonts, framework, graphics, inspiration, iphone, journalism, mobile, rainmeter, reference, software, tool, twitter, typography, webdesign
Categories : Links
News companies need to help local businesses pursue mobile opportunities « Pursuing the Complete Community Connection
23 04 2010Tags : aggregator, community, design, development, fonts, framework, graphics, inspiration, interactive, iphone, journalism, mobile, rainmeter, reference, software, tool, twitter, typography, webdesign
Categories : Links
News organizations need mobile-first strategy « Pursuing the Complete Community Connection
23 04 2010Tags : aggregator, community, design, development, fonts, framework, graphics, inspiration, interactive, iphone, journalism, mobile, rainmeter, reference, software, tool, twitter, typography, webdesign
Categories : Links – Unobtrusive Javascript for Progressive Enhancement
13 04 2010Tags : css, inspiration, javascript, webdesign
Categories : Links
70 Brilliant WordPress Site Designs for Design Inspiration
7 04 2010Tags : inspiration, webdesign, wordpress
Categories : Links
Color Scheme Designer 3
30 03 2010Tags : color, design, graphics, inspiration, tools, webdesign
Categories : Links
17 great looking free fonts – Holy Kaw!
23 03 2010Tags : adobe-catalyst, career, cms, collegejourn, design, flash, fonts, free, future, howto, ideas, illustrator, inspiration, jbusiness, jfuture, journalism, monitoring, newspapers, online, pew, photography, photoshop, portfolio, productivity, publishing, resume, rss, tips, tools, tutorial, tutorials, unconf, webdesign, wordpress
Categories : Links
Google – public data
23 03 2010Tags : adobe-catalyst, career, cms, collegejourn, design, flash, fonts, free, future, google, howto, ideas, illustrator, infographics, inspiration, jbusiness, jfuture, journalism, monitoring, newspapers, online, pew, photography, photoshop, portfolio, productivity, publishing, resume, rss, tips, tools, tutorial, tutorials, unconf, visualization, webdesign, wordpress
Categories : Links
prefuse | interactive information visualization toolkit
23 03 2010Tags : adobe-catalyst, career, cms, collegejourn, design, flash, fonts, free, future, google, howto, ideas, illustrator, infographics, inspiration, jbusiness, jfuture, journalism, monitoring, newspapers, online, pew, photography, photoshop, portfolio, productivity, publishing, resume, rss, tips, tools, tutorial, tutorials, unconf, visualization, webdesign, wordpress
Categories : Links