- CBS’ Bob Schieffer Knocks “New Media” While Getting Sherrod Story Wrong http://ff.im/-oiI3b #
- Your Xbox Sells You Movie Tickets http://ff.im/-oiINn #
- Deflate Puffed-Up Medical Bills With A Phone Call http://ff.im/-oiJ5j #
- Inception passes the most important test: the second weekend box office [Box Office] http://ff.im/-oiJ7d #
- It would have taken 33 years to pay off her debt. Now, just 5 years http://ff.im/-oiKbx #
- Speed Up WordPress on Shared or Cheap Hosting With Hyper Cache http://ff.im/-oiKyW #
- Future Perfect? A very applicable quote from SF game Alpha Centauri – Future Perfect? "As the Americans learned so… http://ff.im/-ojVuC #
- StarCraft 2 (@ GameStop – Pickett Shopping Center) http://4sq.com/9nUwQp #
- Ugh. GameStop line. #
- @justfunny yup in reply to justfunny #
- @KerrySheats LOL. The one from Mason or a new one? in reply to KerrySheats #
- Facebook Like or Share button, which is best for your blog? http://ff.im/-ol3Wt #
- StumbleUpon: The Silent Social Media Success Story http://ff.im/-ol46g #
- "Today we also learned that last month was the worst June on record for new home sales." http://ff.im/-ol4lv #
- RT @alexpriest: Love this: @scobleizer asks, does adding @Twitter to a brand make it cooler? http://bit.ly/9sjrkS // I think so too. #
- Digg Vs. Reddit: The Infographic http://ff.im/-olm7M #
- I liked a YouTube video — Sen. Franken: Stop the Corporate Takeover of the Media http://youtu.be/_ODV5U87yps?a #
- How to get more business at networking events – Holy Kaw! http://ff.im/-olr9I #
- Ease into programming with Poynter’s August seminar “Programming for Journalists / Journalism for Programmers” http://ff.im/-olsOA #
- Re: I want to exchange my paper books for electronic versions. How about it Kobo? http://ff.im/-olucc #
- A Walk Through the Ancient World http://ff.im/-oluU0 #
- Your computers skills may reflect more on your parent's affluence than intrinsic merit. http://bit.ly/csBrA5 #
- Your computers skills may reflect more on your parent's affluence than intrinsic merit. – Notable quote? "However,… http://ff.im/-olzTT #
- Sniffing out Washington stories in a coffee house – WaPo reporters go out and try to find stories in public places. http://ff.im/-olAoo #
- Federal judge says you can break DRM if you're not doing so to infringe copyright http://ff.im/-olDUh #
- 5 Big Questions About Twitter's Move to Multimedia http://ff.im/-olFwB #
- I liked a YouTube video — The "Real" Reason Why There Is No Starcraft 2 LAN Play http://youtu.be/_UFA1ieWA8s?a #
- GameStop Buys Kongegrate http://ff.im/-olKO7 #
- @DiogenesCynicus Sounds very cool in reply to DiogenesCynicus #
- @alexpriest Glad to! 🙂 in reply to alexpriest #
- @KerrySheats Lol. I too have a linen suit. Good for hot summers and dudes with beards 😛 in reply to KerrySheats #
- Your computers skills may reflect more on your parent’s affluence than intrinsic merit. http://ff.im/-olZd7 #
- Readers correctly interpret the tone of emails 50% of the time – Holy Kaw! http://ff.im/-olZd2 #
- Sen. Franken: Stop the Corporate Takeover of the Media http://ff.im/-olZd1 #
- RT @connect2mason: Power outage is related to construction project Housing VIIIA, according to its project manager #gmu #
- Checking to see if hootsuite is working. #
- @AFG85 "They found that people accurately ascertained the meaning of the emails only 56 percent of the time" – http://bit.ly/cIkq5X in reply to AFG85 #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Flower Warfare – Psychedelic Action Scene http://youtu.be/031Dshcnso4?a #
- I subscribed to freddiew's channel on YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/user/freddiew?feature=autoshare #
- Whew, made it to the bus just in time to make it to #dcmm #
- Hearing from @Kategardiner about optimizing the first 64 characters for SEO. #dcmm #
- Interesting to see Flickr use by NewsHour. #dcmm #
- "We're getting very close to having an online budget" – @Kategardiner #
- Hey! My Wednesday nights are free again! 🙂 RT @Jillfoster: @Chronotope Hey Hey! #dcmm #reunions #
- Building more data-based charts and interactives is essential for building online traffic says @Kategardiner #dcmm #
- Interesting to hear how trivia questions can really drive users to interact. #dcmm #
- Thanks to @KateGardiner for a great presentation tonight at #dcmm – very informative. #
- @KateGardiner It was a pleasure meeting you yesterday and hanging at RFD. I hope to see you around some time soon. #
- @alaModest 🙂 Pretty fun to watch, for sure. Some of his other stuff is similarly crazy. in reply to alaModest #
- RT @brett: Why You Need to Monitor and Measure Your Brand on Social Media – http://ow.ly/2ilvz (via @mashable) #
- College students foolishly interpret Google rankings as a measure of validity http://bit.ly/9hHmE4 #
- @alexpriest Ugh, the weather is nasty in Fairfax too. It just started coming down. in reply to alexpriest #
- Trying out this whole Empire Avenue thing. Not sure what to think yet. Anyone else have an opinion? #
- @alexpriest It has brightened here too but it is not a happy bright, more like a threating to rain more bright in reply to alexpriest #
- @alexpriest lol. I can see that. I'm not sure I see the application besides it being one more browser-based social media game. in reply to alexpriest #
- RT @acarvin: Capn Kirk interviews one of the Beltway snipers. RT @WilliamShatner: This was truly an amazing experience: http://n.pr/aVI6Ai #
- RT @mashable: HOW TO: Enhance Your Online Presence with Video – http://mash.to/2itqn #
- I just started playing Dead Rising. http://ff.im/-oBVXZ #
- I unlocked the Portraiture achievement on Dead Rising! http://ff.im/-oC4EM #
- I just started playing Gauntlet. http://ff.im/-oDT1v #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Anthony Weiner Rips Apart Republicans on 9/11Health Bill http://youtu.be/W4zwCMf8dsc?a #
- Hey #collegejourn – #cjchat is on vacation, but you can vote for when and where future chats could be! http://ow.ly/2jwfc #
- 10 Cool Google Maps Mashups http://ff.im/-oEoxH #
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