- Fear at the Interface: What Pandora teaches us not to do http://amplify.com/u/dz08 #
- Students lonely, frustrated after unplugging for a day #collegejourn http://ff.im/-sDV3F #
- Facebook's Photo Memories will no longer show some of the people you'd rather forget http://amplify.com/u/dz1l #
- New report on how Twitter is used in Higher Ed #SMCEDU http://amplify.com/u/dz1r #
- Digg To Layoff 37% Of Staff, Product Refocus Imminent http://t.co/9W4ORrc via @techcrunch #
- Typesculpting — a conversation with an artist who makes very cool sculptures out of typewriters http://t.co/FUgAYZ4 #
- Amazon: Kindle Books Now Outsell Print Bestsellers 2 to 1 by @fredericl http://t.co/CwvlWFq via @RWW #
- RT @SEO_Hacker Link Building tutorial: What is Link building? http://bit.ly/cXqW7Q #
- How a New York Times foodie stumbled upon the new news production #collegejourn http://ff.im/-sDZrQ #
- "In Pursuit of the Perfect, We're Overdesigning Our Lives" http://amplify.com/u/dz2x #
- Beautiful Failures: The Best-Designed Tech That Flopped http://aol.it/a3yuHd #
- Top 7 Social Media Services for Small Business http://t.co/eonTk9U via @mashbusiness @mashable #
- Stars Making Half a Million a Year via Twitter http://amplify.com/u/dz76 #
- New York Times has fewer print readers than Twitter followers http://amplify.com/u/e4l7 #
- At the College Republicans / College Democrats debate tonight. Follow @masonvotes for more coverage. #
- At the College Republicans and College Democrats debate. (@ Dewberry Hall (Johnson Center) – George Mason University) http://4sq.com/b9Rn96 #
- @jordanjfrasier I didn't see you here, you should come up front. I have a table. in reply to jordanjfrasier #
- A study by ExactTarget and CoTweet shows that social networks are not killing our social lives, in fact the opposite. http://ow.ly/31cnZ #
- The Truth: Why iPhone Users Will Ditch AT&T and Run to Verizon http://t.co/OG8VsY4 via @techcrunch #
- Push back on mediocre professors http://amplify.com/u/e6yr #
- I just unlocked the 6-month graphs on #twittercounter Find out more http://twittercounter.com/pages/you via @TheCounter #paidwithatweet #
- Top 10 unusual excuses for calling in sick revealed http://t.co/j0A0RzA #
- I favorited a YouTube video — TRON: Legacy – Derezzed video http://youtu.be/SPFpcKm0B7U?a #
- I'm at Rally to Restore Sanity w/ @alexromano @rossk @obrienmedia @tracytran. http://4sq.com/cqAcFL #
- @Franco_F Hey, we're headed to Good Stuff Eatery for food if you want to come by. #
- I have the interwebs again! #
- Food and alcohol. Thank God 🙂 (@ Tortilla Coast w/ 5 others) http://4sq.com/1Ji2uh #
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