- @nitesh_arora This is my primary. I only use @AramZS for live chats, because I've found people can get pissed when I do 80 posts in 2 hours. #
- On my way to #cmanyc11 (@ Metro North – Larchmont Train Station) http://4sq.com/hOc86A #
- My 9am session has 50 tools in 50 minutes. I don't even have the time to say lightning round ;). I hope to see you there. #cmanyc11 #
- @fmashhood I'm up for it. Interesting case. #
- Want to be a better journalist? Write with tools. Today, 9 am, New Media Central 1. Come find out what free tools can give you an advantage. #
- Hey #cmanyc11 The best way to discredit someone horrible is to let them do it themselves. Let #wbc speak uninterrupted, then report on it. #
- @CICM @Roxana_Ross It's a new world they can buy their own microphone. We have to reveal their idiocy and not let them control the agenda. #
- Notorious Illegal Immigration iPhone Game Tweaks Critics With Legal Immigration Mode [Video] http://ff.im/-zrqpX #
- PressThink: The twisted psychology of bloggers v journalists http://ff.im/-zrqr4 #
- Mika Brzezinski Predicts Roger Ailes Will Dump Sarah Palin From Fox News http://ff.im/-zrqsF #
- AT&T Will Cap Internet Use, Charge Overage Fees Starting In May http://ff.im/-zrqtU #
- Torchlight a perfect example of how to port a PC title to console http://ff.im/-zrquy #
- @CICM I don't know I think things will turn out in the long term. Also as responsible journalists can we just ignore stories we don't like? #
- @CICM Besides media personalities are a different situation IMO. #
- @CICM But they are not protesting outside of my hotel. As much as I dislike them, I'd argue that it is a story relevant to the people here. #
- @CICM The pattern of foot traffic is changed, there are a bunch of people yelling at thousands of tourists. Is there not a responsibility? #
- RT @connect2mason Great music tomorrow March 14 @jamminjava 7:30, come by! Jo Williamson, Lowdown, Ketura http://bit.ly/hQZgLe #ad #
- @CICM The students didn't invite them though. #
- Most shocking thing at #cmanyc11 thus far: student journalists who didn't know HuffPo sold to AOL. This is your industry! Pay attention. #
- In The Midst Of A Massively Successful SXSW, Foursquare Tackles Venue Harmonization http://ff.im/-zrvFR #
- Just heard a presenter talking about how social media isn't really useful or worth working with. >.< #cmanyc11 #
- @seanshapiro @cwilliams711 lol, Yeah I saw that. I guess they just have better SEO than us. #
- @heyitsmegan @joe_greek @paulconley Yeah me too. They seriously missed out. #
- Measured my priorities, nap vs #wbc ay #cmanyc11 – nap won. Someone else tell me how it goes. I'll watch Twitter. #
- @smithbm12 Glad to, good resource. It is going well. I have attended previously and this is the best yet. They are finally getting new media #
- Missed the #wbc speech at #cmanyc11 ? Twitter search acting up? Check out this Storify archive of reactions – http://aramzs.me/3a #
- @dorizinn Very well said IMO. #
- Angry Birds Maker: Console Games Are Dead http://t.co/vrB9446 via @businessinsider #
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