- Having an awesome time listening to Fade by The Narrative. Good song – http://www.thesixtyone.com/s/PwuyIze4YnL/ #
- I earned the Doctor Who Series Six Premiere sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/gmdRdk #
- How Green Is The iPhone… [Infographic] http://feedly.com/k/hEiwaS #
- Facebook Has A Huge Impact On College Admissions [Infographic] http://feedly.com/k/gSOy0J #
- Modesto Junior College Drops Student Newspaper, Entire Mass Comm. Program http://feedly.com/k/gidfKO #
- How SmugMug survived the Amazonpocalypse http://feedly.com/k/fKLaLd #
- The New Sales Page http://feedly.com/k/gBO1pj #
- New York Times R&D Lab explores how news is shared and read with Project Cascade http://feedly.com/k/e6jD47 #
- History of detainees at Guantánamo http://feedly.com/k/fIfkfY #
- The Emerging, Collaborative Economy http://feedly.com/k/eTxoAX #
- Guardian 'double-crossed' by WikiLeaks over Guantánamo leak http://feedly.com/k/hTRGrm #
- How am I meant to improve if I don’t get any feedback on my rejected application? http://feedly.com/k/ePEI0B #
- WordCamp and journalism conferences http://feedly.com/k/h2zbF3 #
- Inferring intent on mobile devices http://feedly.com/k/dI8W8m #
- James Cameron Says Video Games Are Powering 3D [Teh Future] http://feedly.com/k/geo2FN #
- Nintendo Confirms Wii Successor. It's On Sale In 2012. [Breaking] http://feedly.com/k/g1iy3q #
- B&N Nook Color update released, brings Froyo, apps, and Flash, we go hands-on (video) http://tinyurl.com/6xhz4wt #
- Data for journalists: JSON for beginners http://pulsene.ws/1pFuL #
- Which blog platform should I use? A blog audit http://pulsene.ws/1pq20 #
- Nintendo Sees Profit Falling 66%, Announces Wii Successor For 2012 http://pulsene.ws/1plUs // Not sure a new Wii is going to help. #
- The L.A. Times is Dead. Long Live the L.A. Times http://pulsene.ws/1oFP0 #
- Reputation 140: Tweeting Credibility http://pulsene.ws/1pvGl #
- Introducing “PEARL” – A Tool for Determining What People Will Pay for Online News http://pulsene.ws/1pEJ6 #
- So You're About to Finish Journalism School. What's the Job Market Like? http://pulsene.ws/1pCss #
- You know what's crazy? AT&T and Verizon together activated 80,000 iPhones a *day* in the last financial quarter. #
- Check it out http://storify.com is now in public beta. Anyone can sign up now. #
- As High School Course Titles Become Inflated, Test Scores Fail to Follow – http://nyti.ms/ewH2kM #
- Joss Whedon Says Work Being Done On 'Dr. Horrible' Sequel http://in.flux.com/gdjA1S #
- Any scan path/eye tracking experts out there? I'm looking to talk to someone for an article. #
- @YasminTadjdeh 😛 #
- Klout Redesigns to Emphasize Personal Influence (Video) http://feedly.com/k/g9G61K #
- What the heck happened to Clippy? Ribbon Hero 2 released http://feedly.com/k/fvQSVk #
- Mac vs. PC people http://feedly.com/k/gqyIpL #
- Why Tablets Inevitably Make Sense for Higher Education [Video] http://feedly.com/k/hnJrWN #
- Metaphors, Make-Believe & Mythology http://feedly.com/k/eIOnXb #
- R.I.P. Flip Cam: The Smartphone Did It (Not Cisco) http://feedly.com/k/eQjvbP #
- Slate rethinks aggregation (again) with a Slatest redesign http://feedly.com/k/gjKcdJ #
- Jonathan Taphouse: The story behind the stunning photos of Bristol’s Tesco riots http://feedly.com/k/eM48DT #
- Creating Change in an Online Community http://feedly.com/k/fFw1FC #
- Portal 2: Filling The Potato Sack http://feedly.com/k/h5m0Qk #
- PSN update: Sony isn't sure your credit card data is safe http://feedly.com/k/dUk28p #
- Last typewriter manufacturer ends production. http://t.co/9mIavGU via @Geeks_TDW #
- We care about local journalism but not about anything it has to say http://ff.im/-BZzv3 #
- LocationGate counter-attack http://ff.im/-BZAxx #
- Brilliant Amazon Reviews: David Lereah’s RE Books http://ff.im/-BZByR #
- [Insite] Twitter advanced research techniques 3: tracking #hashtags and archiving tweets http://ff.im/-BZBG4 #
- Social Network Pioneer Friendster To Erase All User Photos, Blogs And More On May 31 http://t.co/dscBPtE via @techcrunch #
- Man Tries to Hijack Plane to Libya, Thwarted By Flight Attendants http://t.co/EhbSigF via @TIMENewsFeed #
- RT @Greekamerika Finished at last! 🙂 Enjoy…… http://art-of-war-novel.blogspot.com/p/art-of-war-novel-book-trailer-1.html #
- WordPress Essentials: All in One SEO Pack vs WP SEO by Yoast http://feedly.com/k/eyCTkw #
- Take A Stroll And Enjoy Star Sky (Eric Caoili) http://feedly.com/k/igQkN5 #
- Coming Soon: Theme.it WordPress Tutorials Site http://feedly.com/k/iiPex5 #
- @UDjRosen @koretzky @dorizinn @FlyerNews It depends on what you plan to do with it of course. Assuming standard tasks: WordPress. #
- Allen West: Women Are Destroying Men, Stopping Them From Fixing Budget http://feedly.com/k/hB9uQZ #
- The Pearl Project: Bringing colleges into the investigative ecosystem http://feedly.com/k/hvyHhe #
- Looks Like Facebook Deals Is Being Unveiled Tonight With Credits And Partners In Tow http://feedly.com/k/g5TSA4 #
- Al Qaeda's Sega Cartridge Plot (Eric Caoili) http://www.gamesetwatch.com/2011/04/al_qaedas_sega_cartridge_plot.php #
- News sites can now add a Facebook ‘send’ button http://feedly.com/k/h13fYG #
- Gamification is not Game Design http://feedly.com/k/dXR5NI #
- Facebook Announces "Send" Button: A "Like" With Context http://feedly.com/k/gUNRNA #
- Y Combinator Success Leads To Copycats, Incubator Raiders http://feedly.com/k/ehqthH #
- Sad Sarah Palin Begging Blogs To Cover Her Squirmish-y Speeches http://feedly.com/k/dKzHsZ #
- Composing Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Conspiracy, Transhumanism and Synthesizers. http://otf.me/M5J #
- @udjrosen @dorizinn Easy to use backend, easy to customize, no need for heavy developer muscle to maintain, easy to build themes for. Cheap. #
- @udjrosen @dorizinn – College newspapers don't usually have a great deal of developer muscle regularly available, WP is perfect for that. #
- Using the new Facebook ‘Send’ button with WordPress http://feedly.com/k/guiMba #
- @Greekamerika Glad to! If you shoot me your contact info I can pass it along to student media for possible coverage of your book. #
- College Radio to Observe Moment of Silence to Raise Awareness of Station Sales http://feedly.com/k/eZjKKr #
- How much more we pay for stuff now than we did last year http://feedly.com/k/fDUWck #
- Daily Tip: How to Reset Your WordPress Password From the Database http://feedly.com/k/hs0MR9 #
- VMware Acquires Online Presentation Application SlideRocket http://feedly.com/k/e6hOMh #
- How To: Turn Your Own Life Into An Infographic http://feedly.com/k/dXKf3d #
- How The Internet Is Killing The Planet [Infographic] http://feedly.com/k/h2CCxi #
- Why Our Project (and the Country) Needs Cheap, Universal Broadband http://feedly.com/k/faweDZ #
- Five stories to inspire you to try Storify – which anyone can now join http://feedly.com/k/dTrAkW #
- Understanding journalism without ego http://feedly.com/k/hawIFM #
- Why transparency trumps ‘impartiality’ http://feedly.com/k/hOaETZ #
- Nostalgia: 11 Retro News Website Homepages http://feedly.com/k/i4i93N #
- Sony admits utter PSN failure: your personal data has been stolen http://feedly.com/k/fFmxrt #
- Sony Comes Clean: PlayStation Network Hackers Have Stolen Personal Data [It Only Does Offline] http://feedly.com/k/gW2vnO #
- Pat Robertson: Women Get Abortions To Get On ‘Level Playing Field’ With Lesbians http://feedly.com/k/fDbq80 #
- The 5 Best Free Tools For Making Slick Infographics http://pulsene.ws/1qyrl #
- Why You Will Want Apple, Google To Track You http://pulsene.ws/1quNX #
- Verizon's LTE network takes the night off, leaves a bunch of Thunderbolt users bewildered http://pulsene.ws/1qYFA #
- China unveils space station, launching by 2020 http://pulsene.ws/1qOpM #
- Jon Stewart On Congress’ ‘Final Kick To The Nuts’ Of 9/11 First Responders http://pulsene.ws/1qFfp #
- The alphabet, reimagined http://pulsene.ws/1qwsq #
- RT The Great Ephemeralization – Timothy Lee http://sto.ly/e22JC3 how to measure value when it is not based on growth in production of goods? #
- RT Facebook's facial recognition feature raises potentially worrisome privacy issues – http://bit.ly/fsJcHj #
- Viewdle Releases SocialCamera For Android: Instant Photo Tagging, Sharing http://pulsene.ws/1qTzn #
- Apple (Finally) Responds To Location Data Tracking Kerfuffle, Says It’s Innocent http://pulsene.ws/1qToq #
- Hippies Inch Closer to Penis Protection Vote [California] http://pulsene.ws/1qYGk #
- NYPD Starts Draconian Crack-Down on Cyclists Riding Outside Bike Lanes http://pulsene.ws/1qr5i #
- Spomeniks Will Not Die http://pulsene.ws/1qAgp #
- How to let video transitions tell the story http://pulsene.ws/1qBc7 #
- Presentation: WordPress as a learning management system for #NYEdTech http://pulsene.ws/1qWZ4 #
- SETI Institute Has Suspended Their Search For Alien Life http://pulsene.ws/1qYvg #
- After Standards and the Future of History http://pulsene.ws/1qSnR #
- Iwata Admits 3DS Sales Disappointment http://pulsene.ws/1qILc #
- Documentary + Game = Independent Transmedia Project called “THE GREAT WORK” http://pulsene.ws/1qVng #
- I earned the Explorer sticker on @GetGlue! http://bit.ly/i5SwVH #
- @samplereality How is it working? Is it a strain on the server? I'm looking for a better way to archive Tweets, especially since WTH is gone #
- THQ Pushes Transmedia Strategy With SyFy Movie-Game Red Faction – http://otf.me/MBR #
- Blacklight Does Transmedia: The Future of Storytelling — and End of Lame Movie Tie-Ins http://otf.me/MBg #
- THQ Pushes Transmedia Strategy With SyFy Movie-Game Red Faction http://otf.me/MBo #
- YouTube founders buy Delicious from Yahoo http://otf.me/MCa #
- @CICM I know. I can't wait to see what they do with it. #
- @bernardlunn I think part of the problem is that university administrators don't think the programs are a priority in any form. #
- @IsCool Horrendous that it took them 5 days to get it out, right? #
- @samplereality Hmm, I'll take a look through my file box and see if I can find a copy. #
- @samplereality Hmm, I'll have to give it a try. Do the archived tweets also include permalinks to the original tweet? #
- @Puritan1986 Such a weird cause for anyone to champion. #
- @samplereality Lucky I have a physical file box, the URL is impossible to find otherwise. It's not indexed. SF syllabus: http://aramzs.me/3m #
- @samplereality I remember Prof. Rutledge's class as: hardest English class I've ever taken, most I learned, final essay I was proudest of. #
- @samplereality – @thinkupapp looks nifty! Does it capture hashtagged conversations too, or just your own Tweets? #
- @samplereality Really liked Lilith's Brood. Green Mars was a tough read that I really needed more time for, but rewarding at the end. #
- @samplereality I didn't find the optional Sci. Matters text interesting. Enjoyed short story collection. Really liked the readings. #
- @samplereality Only objection: I wished I had more time to delve deeper into each text. I ended up rereading half of them after the semester #
- WaPo's Trove attempts to be your one stop site for all the news on the web. The only problem is that makes no sense. http://aramzs.me/3n #
- Trove spectacularly fails to deliver a decent aggregation platform – http://aramzs.me/3n #
- Trove's attempt to serve you personalized curated news just results in a terrible website – http://aramzs.me/3n #
- @samplereality On the flip side, I'd argue that the end was the worst part of that game. #
- @samplereality Though I do find that somewhat odd. It's not like you have to finish the game in 1 sitting. Isn't completion the carrot? #
- White House: Palestinian unity gov’t must renounce terror, accept Israel http://feedly.com/k/kZPNbA #
- Kent State Student Magazine Deemed Too Sexual, Vulgar for Publication by 3 Ohio Printers http://feedly.com/k/jHfOUA #
- Self-Publishing as the Future (and Present) of Educational Content [Video] http://feedly.com/k/lxItuR #
- Incidental Character Choices in "Balloon Diaspora" (Gregory Weir) http://feedly.com/k/jcrY0K #
- Sound Current: 'Anamanaguchi's Guide to Scott Pilgrim: The Game Soundtrack' (jeriaska) http://feedly.com/k/iohbiL #
- Starting The Article Writing Process http://feedly.com/k/kl0bmJ #
- How to: Create a Tumblr blog for your news organisation http://feedly.com/k/jLtGyq #
- 5 Reasons Why Admin Hates Your Newspaper. http://feedly.com/k/lbl4uY #
- The World War Z Game That Could Have Been [Zombie Apocalypse] http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/kotaku/full/~3/v9iGbef5RpQ/ #
- Losing your Objectivity: A Survival Guide http://feedly.com/k/jcu5L3 #
- A Children’s Treasury of Brand-New Birther Theories To Explain Eveything http://feedly.com/k/iNTVxo #
- Brown University on Full Disclosure (or Lack Thereof) http://thefire.org/article/13130.html #
- Vandalism of Students' Pro-life Display in Pa. Must Be Addressed http://feedly.com/k/lLMFfZ #
- RT @redditflipboard: Don't Mess with Trump: #reddit #flipboard http://bit.ly/klf9z7 lol #
- Start selling ads the day you launch. RT @howardowens: Thanks to @streetfightmag for the interview. http://flpbd.it/F4tT #
- @macloo @hotdogladies I hear the ladies love a well placed semicolon. 😛 #
- Finally, a native android app for Google Docs. RT @svartling: Google: Android App For Google Docs http://svrt.se/jJ8UDc #
- Landmark: Microsoft looking better in the media than Apple. RT @cheeky_geeky: Microsoft Opens Up About Mobile Tracking – http://t.co/pnyr3SO #
- Have Deans 'Given Way to Lawyers' on Campus? http://feedly.com/k/kdva0H #
- @jmittell It made zero sense in context with the rest of the game. It actually irritated me so much I wrote a post – http://ow.ly/4J5PZ #
- Er, heads up, I linked past the spoiler warning on the last link to @jmittell so if you don't want Red Dead Redemption spoiled, do not click #
- @bernardlunn Also, I believe they argue relevance. #
- @samwhoo @samplereality I'd love to see someone do it while including permalinks. Right now I've got nothing that does a good job w/hashtags #
- @samplereality Yeash, that is going to be an especially tough class with that many people. Blogs and Hashtags? #
- @samplereality For polling, free option might be – http://tweetbrain.com/questions/all #
- @samplereality It isn't easy to export though, is it? I want to create a hashtag archive I can drop into a blog for others to read. #
- Facebook shoots first, ignores questions later; account lock-out attack works http://otf.me/MNE #
- @samplereality :/ A lot of work, especially if it a long conversation. I suppose I could use FeedWordPress, but what a kludge of a solution. #
- @greekamerika Where is it on FB? Having trouble hunting it down. #
- @Greekamerika and never mind, I found it. #
- @darthcheeta No prob… though the link isn't working all of a sudden. I'd re-retweet it if you send out the new link 🙂 #
- The PhD problem: are we giving out too many degrees? http://otf.me/MNM #
- @trove Good luck. I could really use a tool to do what Trove is supposed to do. You ever need some freelance help, I already curate 😉 #
- RT @purplehayz: Is social media ruining students? http://dld.bz/XUpv [Infographic] #
- Blackstone Firm Buys Most of Former Times Building – http://nyti.ms/l5kl83 #
- 14 Best Practices for Long-Term Social Media Success http://feedly.com/k/iMq1w6 #
- Sony may be clueless in PSN hack http://feedly.com/k/lB4NyF #
- Could use some PHP help, if anyone has a moment to take a look at some code – http://snipt.org/xqmn – I'm getting a 404 when I try to run it #
- Five Things AOL’s Patch Is Doing Right http://feedly.com/k/lWjxU6 #
- Google: Video Chat on Your Android Phone http://feedly.com/k/jcfFs8 #
- RIM Slashes Guidance On Weak BlackBerry Demand; Trading Halted http://feedly.com/k/mxIzBp #
- Coming soon: Bloom visualizes your music collection as planets http://feedly.com/k/l5PL7d #
- New Business Models in Educational Publishing [Video] http://feedly.com/k/lCsCNg #
- Opinion: The Human Spirit's Too Good For ARGs (Simon Carless) http://feedly.com/k/kXVIOw #
- Tattooed Pig Urges Wonkabout To Leave DC (Goodbye Forever!) http://feedly.com/k/jhqPnP #
- Wal-Mart Shoppers Now Completely Out of Money http://feedly.com/k/ixVgSt #
- Navigating Journalism Online: An Interview with George Kelly http://feedly.com/k/kbsj1B #
- Darkspore Lead: Action-RPG Genre 'Getting A New Life' (Simon Carless) http://feedly.com/k/jrkMES #
- Tennessee Legislature Making It Illegal To Mention To Kids Gay People Exist http://feedly.com/k/m6ghLN #
- Your handiest reporting tool may be the smartphone in your pocket http://feedly.com/k/jfQBQo #
- Pulling an all-nighter? How to get the results you want http://feedly.com/k/iLIuTn #
- Geohot: Blame Sony Execs, Not Engineers http://feedly.com/k/lNyhs8 #
- The Waning Influence of Old Media’s Moguls http://feedly.com/k/mffcm0 #
- Report: Journalism Degrees Are Probably Just As Useless As You Expected http://feedly.com/k/ikNylV #
- @journoholic Thanks for suggestion, a good tool, but any other ideas? Unfortunately, it doesn't do much good if the page won't load. #
- Upromise is terribly useless. I got it 2 years ago with the hope of help paying off collage loans. The account has earned $14.11. #
- I just ousted Jack B. as the mayor of Cafe Ima on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/hvh5fd #
- Say hi, I'm at the George Mason University table at #vajDay11 #
- All you need to know about OPEC http://ff.im/-CinbU #
- Awesome: gifs of movies turned 8-bit. http://feedly.com/k/kjg6Pa #
- University of Alabama’s Crimson White Providing Comprehensive Coverage of Tornado’s Aftermath http://feedly.com/k/lMcdvh #
- Why Every Single Person Should Take 30 Seconds to Opt-in to the Delicious Data Transfer http://feedly.com/k/kY1BGE #
- I'm at Residence Inn Harrisonburg (1945 Deyerle Avenue, Harrisonburg) http://4sq.com/mOP7o9 #
- Overheard at #VAjDay without context: "That's my wife, I cut her head off." Talking about photography, I assume. #
- Twitter Search Done Right by PostPo.st http://feedly.com/k/jer7QM #
- For Millennials, Social Media Is Not All Fun and Games http://feedly.com/k/mMAzpa #
- Create a Stunning Help and Support Site in Less Than 5 Minutes http://feedly.com/k/mAZJ19 #
- MSNBC.com’s Breaking News traces info to its source http://feedly.com/k/jV5VRd #
- What can newsrooms learn from startups? http://feedly.com/k/jybJBP #
- It’s easy to forget video rules in breaking news: Don’t http://feedly.com/k/lsB3Nd #
- A Compendium of Cave Johnson Quotes from Portal 2 [Ramblings] http://feedly.com/k/jdNvyk #
- Microsoft Releases iPhone to Windows Phone App Migration Tool http://feedly.com/k/jFy2mY #
- Marvel Universe MMO written by Bendis, will be free to play http://feedly.com/k/mU5KIC #
- Motorola Xoom Shipments Follow Android Handset Pattern http://feedly.com/k/kXOrE4 #
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