- I just started playing The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai. http://ff.im/-Codc3 #
- I just started playing Mass Effect 2. http://ff.im/-CoGWo #
- I unlocked 6 Xbox achievements on Mass Effect 2! http://ff.im/-CpRpY #
- @kategardiner It sounds like it was Navy SEALs #
- @danaseverance @joeybaker: As a Jew, I'll gladly agree with that. 🙂 #
- @danaseverance @joeybaker That being said, the people who most often claim it is may likely be the ones cheering the loudest. #
- RT @the_copyeditor: RT @AntDeRosa: How the Osama Announcement Leaked Out http://soupsoup.net/k5dqgb [author = @brianstelter ] #
- @nitesh_arora @acarvin If they were sitting on it, wouldn't he have announced it at a different time? I'm going to trust the Pres. #
- @nitesh_arora @acarvin – Not so hard to believe when you think about the amount of resources no doubt behind it. #
- @acarvin That's what I thought Bergen said… I'm not sure I believe that this is the end of the war on terror. #
- @darthcheeta Very interesting, very diverse reactions. Trying to retweet the spectrum. #
- No casualties on this operation, but important to remember the casualties that led up to this – http://bit.ly/lgaUIG [via @artate ] #
- Is that a pic from tonight? Looks like daytime. RT @mattmansfield: Ground Zero right now http://bit.ly/ipSSDB @hmltn pic via @DVNJr #
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