- With Google+ (And A Tweak For Analytics), The Social Sharing War Is Fully On http://feedly.com/k/qDMgUa #
- Does Google+ Rapture Indicate “Pent-Up Demand” For Facebook Alternative? http://feedly.com/k/pkvSpQ #
- Zynga's PrivacyVille Gamifies Social Gaming Privacy (Danny Cowan) http://feedly.com/k/nTKNq2 #
- Google Creates Another Game, This Time Within YouTube (Matthew Hawkins) http://ff.im/-HvCAV #
- Help Your Clients to Upgrade WordPress with our Free Whitelabel Manual http://ff.im/-HvCYK #
- D.C. Councilmember Spent Kids’ Charity Money On Hooters, Golf Clubs http://feedly.com/k/qRyl3A #
- Google+ Review http://feedly.com/k/q8i0n3 #
- The Bifurcation of Content Management and Delivery http://feedly.com/k/mRLR6g #
- How hyperlocal has a future http://feedly.com/k/nzcbCj #
- Was waiting around for Mason mechanics to come by and figure out why the car wouldn't start. Bent key. >.< http://4sq.com/nxpBsT #
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