- I just ousted Steve C. as the mayor of Masala Wok on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/aEQNDd #
- My weekly NewsMix is here http://newsmix.me/aramzs #
- Google+ “Pages” Coming For Businesses http://t.co/ZGTjaMd via @sengineland #
- Plusbar adds a streaming media player to Google+ http://t.co/YaGJ7Id via @tnwapps #
- EXCLUSIVE: Google to Retire Blogger & Picasa Brands in Google+ Push http://t.co/SusaT8V via @mashsocialmedia @mashable #
- RT @NewTimesBroward Casey Anthony Found Not Guilty, No Thanks to Nancy Grace http://bit.ly/mSj5lG #
- Had a great meeting with the folks from @TechChange talking about WordPress as an LMS and @onmason. #
- .@TechChange Hope you all made the shuttle. Here's the post on solving the 'WPMS disappearing theme options' issue – http://aramzs.me/3s #
- '67% of Millennials think they are the most influential person among their friends.' http://t.co/6gTOKPU // Wait… what? #
- Google Plus: Is This the Social Tool Schools Have Been Waiting For? by @audreywatters http://t.co/zPDvOVl via @RWW #
- Make Sankey flow diagrams with Fineo, sort of http://ff.im/-HlZN2 #
- Six Reasons Tablet Devices Will be Owned by 20% of Incoming Freshmen in U.S. Higher Education by Fall 2012 http://ff.im/-Hm00u #
- How to Blog With Google Plus http://feedly.com/k/j57PdL #
- Talking User Behavior, Google+ and its Usage for Lifestreaming http://ff.im/-Hm1C9 #
- StumbleUpon sends more traffic to US websites than Facebook http://ff.im/-Hm1E3 #
- Google Tests Google+ for Domains http://feedly.com/k/qZuJk3 #
- Keep up with the conversation. It’s a new Foursquare notification tray! http://feedly.com/k/nCLA1m #
- Three ways to get a round-up of news shared by your contacts without checking Twitter http://feedly.com/k/pIoT0g #
- Dan’s Journey to Iraq: A Student Press Adventure, Part 3 http://feedly.com/k/qTJbCi #
- Building worlds with a single click http://ff.im/-Hm2TT #
- Capitalism Win of The Day: Texas Town Fires Police Force To Balance Budget http://ff.im/-Hm46F #
- If Google Buzz Is A Black Hole For Sharing Traffic, Google+ Is The Big Bang http://feedly.com/k/qIy7yC #
- Ad Free Google Plus 50 http://ff.im/-Hm65f #
- AOL needs to be patient with UK’s Huffington Post http://ff.im/-Hm69j #
- "If you're not relevant online you're not relevant" http://feedly.com/k/kX61Uf #
- The New News Paradigm: 'Pivot or Perish' http://ff.im/-Hma1R #
- This Google+ Chrome extension lets you read, comment AND share from anywhere on the Web http://t.co/8duMq5a via @TNWgoogle #
- The Huffington Post UK nets Tony Blair as unpaid blogger http://t.co/QAWpTDy via @thenextweb #
- Dropping distractions online – Is More Zen, Less Plus The Way to Go? by @ricmacnz http://t.co/5W89IUI via @RWW #
- Google+ Statistics with SocialStatistics.com http://ff.im/-HmgZi #
- Founder Of eHarmony Advises: 'On Second Thought, Don't Get Married' http://huff.to/iP1gg0 via @huffingtonpost #
- Soooo…. should I Twitter about the link I followed from Google+ to the livestream announcement I'm watching in Facebook? #
- @alexpriest Halo is now a #Facebook game. #
- So you are going to be sharing 1,000 things a day by 2015? #Facebook #
- If Skype is powering #Facebook #039;s Video Chat… does that mean that the quality is going to be as terrible as it is on Skype? #
- I like that they are all using the purple MacBook #Facebook #
- Skype paid products? Ruh ro… #Facebook #
- Just got a pitch email from @thecollegepress and *I* don't get their sales proposition. What can they give students vs HuffPo? #collegejourn #
- RT @alexpriest: Our president is answering questions from Twitter. Reflect on that. http://tumblr.com/xk33cwgecc #
- Official from leading secular Egyptian party calls Holocaust ‘a lie’ http://feedly.com/k/obskuv #
- Dan’s Journey to Iraq: A Student Press Adventure, Part 4 http://ff.im/-HqOgQ #
- Jane McGonigal Profiled In Elle http://ff.im/-HqOLh #
- Orientation! #gmuo (@ Dewberry Hall) http://4sq.com/ouJQiK #
- I just ousted @bradtrot as the mayor of Dewberry Hall on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/b9Rn96 #
- 5 ways to turn traffic spikes from major news stories into return visits: http://t.co/LaBwSIk #
- Confused About Google+? You Already Know How to Use It: http://t.co/TtV2jL3 #
- HuffPost Launches OffTheBus Citizen Journalism Project http://t.co/lJWg7aT via @feedly #
- Seven Free WordPress Themes for Journalists http://ff.im/-HsQhi #
- PressWork: A New HTML5 Front-end, Drag and Drop WordPress Framework http://ff.im/-HsQhO #
- RT @nitemaremodenet Interview with Chris Avellone, creative director at Obsidian Entertainment #Fallout – http://goo.gl/Gxl8f #
- 10 Generation Next entrepreneurs to watch http://bit.ly/qbvSRi #
- "Technogenic Disasters: A Deadly New Normal for the Media" http://t.co/jpnafRZ #
- I'm keeping an eye on what's to come for @Connect2Mason's The Hunt. You can too! http://t.co/xIof2uJ via @C2MTheHunt #
- Save money in grocery stores while traveling; use "Jenny's" number to get club discounts http://t.co/iJk9Nvm via @feedly #
- Via @nprnews: Review: Google Plus Thoughtful Answer To Facebook | http://t.co/XRlGPn0 #
- Facebook trapped in MySQL ‘fate worse than death’ http://t.co/nDDvrBb #
- With Google+ (And A Tweak For Analytics), The Social Sharing War Is Fully On http://feedly.com/k/qDMgUa #
- Does Google+ Rapture Indicate “Pent-Up Demand” For Facebook Alternative? http://feedly.com/k/pkvSpQ #
- Zynga's PrivacyVille Gamifies Social Gaming Privacy (Danny Cowan) http://feedly.com/k/nTKNq2 #
- Google Creates Another Game, This Time Within YouTube (Matthew Hawkins) http://ff.im/-HvCAV #
- Help Your Clients to Upgrade WordPress with our Free Whitelabel Manual http://ff.im/-HvCYK #
- D.C. Councilmember Spent Kids’ Charity Money On Hooters, Golf Clubs http://feedly.com/k/qRyl3A #
- Google+ Review http://feedly.com/k/q8i0n3 #
- The Bifurcation of Content Management and Delivery http://feedly.com/k/mRLR6g #
- How hyperlocal has a future http://feedly.com/k/nzcbCj #
- Was waiting around for Mason mechanics to come by and figure out why the car wouldn't start. Bent key. >.< http://4sq.com/nxpBsT #
- I just ousted Steve C. as the mayor of Masala Wok on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/aEQNDd #
- Now You Can Use LinkedIn To Stay Up To Date On Who’s Getting Hired (And Fired) http://feedly.com/k/oNPN2i #
- Newsmotion wants to bring artistry and the wealth of networks to the coverage of international news http://feedly.com/k/njppWH #
- The Big Soup: Anthony De Rosa on becoming Reuters social media editor and the ambient wire for news http://feedly.com/k/nDAiRS #
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