- College Media Trend: The Tweet Greet http://j.mp/o7moRJ #
- Governor Perry on Monetary Policy http://j.mp/nN65dd #
- CyanogenMod founder joins Samsung Mobile, plans to make Android more awesome http://j.mp/r1ILpo #
- San Francisco’s BART Blocks Protester Cell Phones For (Totalitarian) Fun http://j.mp/qJ7mOX #
- #Tip of the day from Journalism.co.uk – data journalism checklist http://j.mp/qFUbml #
- Tool of the week for journalists – WhoReTweetedMe http://j.mp/pgjqnM #
- Find and share the places you love. Say hi to foursquare Lists. http://j.mp/osNPax #
- What Does Google Think Your Site Is About? http://j.mp/olrXjP #
- Amazon Student Launches iPhone App for Textbooks and More http://j.mp/oMkGlL #
- Google and AP Announce New Scholarships for Aspiring Digital Journalists http://j.mp/q93ryK #
- Cornell Student Posts Song/Rant About Congress, Recent Debt Ceiling Debacle http://j.mp/oQXiA1 #
- futurejournalismproject:
How journalists see each other. And… http://j.mp/pCbxyw #
- Facebook Profiling of the Day http://j.mp/nJC9JE #
- 3 Simple Techniques to Getting Your Message Seen, Heard and Out There into The World http://j.mp/p0hqPd #
- QR, bar codes were scanned by 14 million Americans on their Mobile Phones in June 2011: comScore http://t.co/YRzM5KY #
- Facebook: Google+ has no users http://j.mp/q9AA8f #
- Flux Slider Brings CSS3 Elegance to WordPress http://j.mp/p25MjG #
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