- RT @nishachittal: Observer: Kill The Cable News Ticker Once and for All: http://ow.ly/6oc5s via @tvnewser #
- Information’s triumph? Three ways TechCrunch challenges ideas of journalism http://t.co/mcrwfeX via @niemanlab #
- RT @evgenymorozov: Paul Krugman on Bitcoin (!) goo.gl/I19sB #
- Is John Paton the savior newspapers have been waiting for? http://t.co/Ddrvxoi #
- @mathewi Enjoyed your post about DISQUS, but wondering if problem isn't more serious. Would appreciate your feedback. http://t.co/lrUkmLR #
- Mostly ignoring debate Tweets. I'll catch up with the best of it tomorrow. I'm not in the mood to be terribly depressed about the future. #
- DISQUS and Facebook Comments, a troubling direction for online commenting – http://t.co/lrUkmLR #
- @alexpriest If the movie is even half as good as the TV show, I'd be pretty happy. #
- Get Rid of Toxicity http://j.mp/ouyb27 #
- Bold Prediction Of The Day: Universities Are The New Newspapers http://t.co/Wq1GADY via @thinkprogress #
- Roundup: Arrington is out of AOL, Wired investigates sextortion, Journal-Register merges with MediaNews, Schweddy Balls. http://t.co/TEp2dgE #
- Job Searching with Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/43IZVFA via @jeffbullas #
- RT @nitemaremodenet: Bill Kunkel, Founder of Games Journalism, Passes Away. – http://t.co/sECLgKL #
- Will historians look back on DISQUS and Facebook comments and curse our foolishness? http://t.co/lrUkmLR #
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