- RT @adamwestbrook: On the blog! Just for a bit of fun: 10 things you'll hear at every journalism conference #journ http://t.co/szDoc0u #
- Google Customer Support Surprise: 1,000 Reps Handling 10,000 Calls A Week From 60 Countries http://j.mp/noaQVZ #
- The LA Times on the role of its SEO chief – ‘the key is feedback’ http://j.mp/qkT39K #
- Apple Puts Earlier Version of Final Cut Pro Back On Sale http://j.mp/oPHaTa #
- Using ‘$’ instead of ‘jQuery’ in WordPress http://j.mp/oJXGhX #
- MT @jaycollier WordPress is used by 54.4% of all websites whose CMS we know. That's 14.8% of all sites. http://t.co/QUnQDgE #
- On the @boltbus to NYC. All around us all these people in cars are just freaking out over the rain. Jeez. It's just water people. #
- @eric_andersen No I am not, but I am now! Nice to meet you @AnneWeiskopf following you now. I like your blog. #intro #
- @ashpanic Ooo, contracts about what? The huge project at work is over, so I'm back online to work on the layout. Should have stuff up soon. #
- @ashpanic Oooh. Very cool! NMM going to register as a business? I recommend doing so in Delaware, less taxes. #
- Social Media's Slow Slog Into the Ivory Towers of Academia – The Atlantic: http://t.co/6LRylll via @AddThis #
- RT @talan: The Mechanic Muse — From Scroll to Screen: http://t.co/8BCm2Er #
- I should do a webinar called "How to use Google to answer all your questions." Only how would all the people who need it be able to find it? #
- RT @suzanneyada: RT @jxav: In which Mike Arrington threatens to take his ball and go home: http://t.co/cnN8KFH #
- finished Dream Park by Larry Niven and Steven Barnes http://t.co/O1JN4G3 #Kindle #
- RT @nishachittal: Observer: Kill The Cable News Ticker Once and for All: http://ow.ly/6oc5s via @tvnewser #
- Information’s triumph? Three ways TechCrunch challenges ideas of journalism http://t.co/mcrwfeX via @niemanlab #
- RT @evgenymorozov: Paul Krugman on Bitcoin (!) goo.gl/I19sB #
- Is John Paton the savior newspapers have been waiting for? http://t.co/Ddrvxoi #
- @mathewi Enjoyed your post about DISQUS, but wondering if problem isn't more serious. Would appreciate your feedback. http://t.co/lrUkmLR #
- Mostly ignoring debate Tweets. I'll catch up with the best of it tomorrow. I'm not in the mood to be terribly depressed about the future. #
- DISQUS and Facebook Comments, a troubling direction for online commenting – http://t.co/lrUkmLR #
- @alexpriest If the movie is even half as good as the TV show, I'd be pretty happy. #
- Get Rid of Toxicity http://j.mp/ouyb27 #
- Bold Prediction Of The Day: Universities Are The New Newspapers http://t.co/Wq1GADY via @thinkprogress #
- Roundup: Arrington is out of AOL, Wired investigates sextortion, Journal-Register merges with MediaNews, Schweddy Balls. http://t.co/TEp2dgE #
- Job Searching with Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/43IZVFA via @jeffbullas #
- RT @nitemaremodenet: Bill Kunkel, Founder of Games Journalism, Passes Away. – http://t.co/sECLgKL #
- Will historians look back on DISQUS and Facebook comments and curse our foolishness? http://t.co/lrUkmLR #
- Links 9-7-11: No more Arrington?, Krug on Bitcoin, Sextortion. http://t.co/TEp2dgE #
- For external commenting systems like DISQUS or Facebook, is the ease of use worth a loss of control? http://t.co/lrUkmLR #
- When digital ads pay for local news http://ow.ly/6omTw #
- No, licensing journalists isn’t the answer http://ow.ly/6on50 #
- Action video : Lean Startup for $0 http://t.co/dOzam7P via @appsumo #
- Should Student Press Outlets Charge for Online Content? If So, How? http://t.co/Tq3BVRt #
- RT @mingyeow: Boom: Carol Bartz exclusive: Yahoo "f—ed me over" http://t.co/sEKrx1q #
- Social Media: The Three Big Myths http://t.co/Y5TKzrJ via @feedly #
- @ethanklapper Better than not having it though, right? #
- Ad server going crazy. Need help to test impressions tracker. Please click on this and tell me if you see anything – http://t.co/pVN3AAC #
- @cicm Thanks! That's good to know. Now I have to see if OpenX registers impressions. Otherwise it's going to be very hard to charge CPM. :/ #
- RT @amichel: Take a moment to read @mjenkins 'What if we’d had today’s social media on 9/11?' http://t.co/uUrDebI #
- My new blog post: Are Facebook and DISQUS commenting systems worth the loss of control? http://t.co/lrUkmLR #
- Google Buys Zagat To Reinvent the Original Mobile Search Engine http://t.co/LeBCAEr #
- I've written lots about story, plot and narrative on Hack Text. I guess I should attempt to define them while I'm at it. http://t.co/jXg756B #
- Story vs Narrative vs Plot http://t.co/jXg756B #
- Discussing the difference between story, plot and narrative. http://t.co/jXg756B #
- RT @tonyahallradio: "Back to the Future” Stars Promote Nike’s “Marty McFly” Shoe [VIDEOS]: http://t.co/vuPnGI3 RT @LanceUlanoff #
- Kindle Publishing: A Brief, Encouraging Guide http://t.co/BNIuEqp #
- RT @cnettv: News: Flip founder launches grilled cheese business http://t.co/tDnZmEx #
- Friday synthesis post: Are comments part of your narrative? http://t.co/RwUoSqL #
- RT @techchange: Old Post!: The Self-Imposed Challenge: Assessment and Games-Based Learning http://t.co/MUWOO5L #
- Is Illustration a Viable and Productive Art Form? | The ArtOrder http://ow.ly/6qpBI #
- RT @brianstelter: When a Fox acct was hacked in July, it was kept online for hours. When @NBCNews was hit today, it was suspended in mins. #
- 8 Star Trek Gadgets That Are No Longer Fiction http://t.co/gjhBKWw #
- Should comments be valued more because they create tellable events around your content? http://t.co/RwUoSqL #
- CBS News Ends Relationship With Source of Bogus Steve Jobs Death Tweet. http://t.co/z4RaDMh #
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