- As Student Newspaper Archives Grow Online, Some Alums Worry About Their Google Prints http://j.mp/rfZN0I #
- On the whole "realism" in film thing… http://t.co/8NJwblb8 #
- Some Guy Threw 4,800 Messages in a Bottle Into the Atlantic Ocean and Got 3,100 Responses from All Over the World [Retro] http://j.mp/pRgKJd #
- Texas Proposes To Steal Children’s School Money For Oil Tax Breaks http://j.mp/qNCsjc #
- Tweet, Like and Google +1 buttons: lessons in privacy http://j.mp/ouQoSM #
- Which Android phone would you recommend for journalists? http://j.mp/odqzGy #
- Vadim Lavrusik: What Facebook’s latest updates mean for journalists http://j.mp/n9O13M #
- With its Standout tag, Google News is giving publishers a new incentive to credit the competition http://j.mp/qHQh2Z #
- @samplereality Is SpiderOak's application really really slow for you? Because it is almost unusable for me. #
- ITV documentary can’t tell difference between gaming + reality; mistakes ArmA 2 for secret IRA film. http://ow.ly/6Gcva #journalismfail #
- @Pinboard Wow… that is nasty. Not even through RSS? Depressing. They give a reason? #
- @samplereality Hmmm. It's almost impossible to use the 'Back Up' tab on my desktop. Perhaps because I have multiple large internal HDDs? #
- @samplereality Yeah, I don't have many folders synced, though many files. Biggest use: syncing up webdev projects across xampp installs. #
- On Wednesday, Amazon Will Unveil The “Kindle Fire” via @techcrunch http://t.co/b6JP8b3a #
- 17 Banned Books You Read As A Child http://t.co/6XUeZmxV #
- They’re watching. And they can bring you down. Why the world is scared of hacktivists. http://ow.ly/6GjKG #
- Tiny Speck launches zany social game Glitch with giant imagination | VentureBeat http://t.co/bK2jBzIr via @venturebeat #
- If you are sending me something you'd like promoted through a Twitter account, it would make a lot of sense to include a link. #
- Deleted Geocities archive visualized as city http://j.mp/plIuMd #
- Google Plus + Dungeons & Dragons. http://ow.ly/6GH2z #
- Errrm… no. Your computer cannot possibly measure pixel sizes differently than mine. #
- University Threatens Criminal Charges Over Firefly Poster http://t.co/u08BCvTn via @TheEscapistMag #
- Amazon tablet: What to expect from the Kindle Fire. http://ow.ly/6Hae8 #
- A Crazy Simple 7 Step Plan To Promote A New Post http://t.co/YQ8gpNDG #
- If I were Netflix, I'd be seriously worried right now. Amazon Fire shows that Amazon is going to double-down on video streaming via Prime. #
- Help! My Groceries Are Tweeting And They’re TERRIBLE! http://j.mp/p9GKlW #
- Social Media 1.0: Many Student Press Outlets Still Getting Used to ‘Living Social’ http://j.mp/nvweBm #
- Five tips from a radio journalist who reports solely from an iPhone and iPad http://j.mp/nh8YCC #
- 24 Hours Later, 500 Emails to UW-Stout Chancellor Demanding Justice in 'Firefly' Case http://j.mp/qiz1hP #
- Kindles Are Going to Be More Common on Campus than Cheap Beer http://j.mp/oeBVmX #
- The text of the D'var Torah I game to the George Mason University Hillel community tonight for Rosh Hashanah. http://t.co/nwAiCnWQ #
- Amazon enters the tablet battle: It’s all about the shopping http://j.mp/pmcBVZ #
- The Pros & Cons of Frictionless Sharing http://j.mp/np9qxz #
- Google+ is focusing on long term results and ignoring hype http://j.mp/pQl2GI #
- Hyper-Local Heaven at UC Berkeley's Journalism School http://j.mp/q8gPD5 #
- A Potential Email Attack All WordPress Developers and Users Should Know About http://j.mp/peYUWU #
- 6 simple steps to attract more blog comments http://j.mp/mRJlO4 #
- Kindle Fire an iPad Competitor? Nope, Netflix Should Be Worried http://j.mp/nggrYn #
- The novelist’s design http://j.mp/noUP5O #
- Wikipedia Unveils Probably the Coolest QR Thingy Ever Made http://j.mp/pSrpvv #
- Amazon Kindle Fire's Silk browser sounds privacy alarm bells. http://t.co/7q2XmQzC #
- Michele Bachmann’s campaign to utilize Farmville http://t.co/NqdsbN7o via @nitemaremodenet #
- Spotify gains 1 million new users from Facebook integration http://j.mp/qJDIvZ #
- CSS is a tradeoff http://j.mp/oMGm65 #
- @publicknowledge @tylergray @moehlert @mijarosoft Thanks for the retweets! #
- @lindseymastis Yeah, it's a pretty crazy situation. #
- @wscottcheney Very cool! I'll add you to my reader. You follow the #SMCEDU / #SMEDU tag? You should. #
- Good Old Games Hits 6M Downloads, Giving Away Broken Sword: SoT (Eric Caoili) http://j.mp/nEJ96C #
- @samplereality @dancohen I'd go along with that argument. Apple's lock on their ecosystem is pretty unfriendly to developers of all stripes. #
- Synch: An HTML5 Video Theme for WordPress http://j.mp/qVMZs2 #
- Facebook's Timeline Will Impact Your Career – Alexandra Samuel – Harvard Business Review http://ow.ly/6J7Jt #
- DC Entertainment digital comic books to bout on Amazon Kindle Fire. http://ow.ly/6J8rG #
- Felicia Day is Just What Gaming Needs http://ow.ly/6J8Q9 #
- The NYTimes passed on facebook's "frictionless sharing" because they thought it was a potential violation of privacy. http://t.co/H04jNt7f #
- Hey @AdamKissel – Thanks for the retweet! Keep up the great work at @TheFIREorg! #
- Seton Hall college Now Offering Special Smart Person Discount http://ow.ly/6J9VH #
- The Daily's Terrible Circulation Can't Stop Romance http://ow.ly/6JagX #
- Buying your kid into college? http://j.mp/nndWLP #
- Klout has competition, Peoplebrowsr announces new social influence tracker, ‘Kred’ http://j.mp/nhv66i #
- 2011 College Press Freedom Award Recipient: The Sun, Southwestern College http://j.mp/qNNcJa #
- AOL Is Building A MapQuest Social Network Called mqVibe http://j.mp/qYd139 #
- Making the most of your Student Media http://t.co/6LA3w6vQ #
- Number of Circles you’re in on Google+ showing up in Google search http://j.mp/qXETI6 #
- Google Adds ‘Authority’ of Authors in Search Results http://j.mp/r80Amt #
- Clean Slate: How the online mag’s tech director Dan Check fine-tuned a 15-year-old machine http://j.mp/qO9ag3 #
- Flowchart: Which of NPR’s top 100 science fiction and fantasy books should you read? http://j.mp/nOe1rm #
- It Took Its Sweet Time, But Psychonauts Is Finally Available For The Mac (Matthew Hawkins) http://j.mp/nRe43j #
- Report: Amazon bidding for Palm http://j.mp/ozB8Xl #
- Amazon Kindle Fire, the Silk Browser and its Impact on Web Development http://j.mp/ofyQe9 #
- @ashpanic Hey, yes, I have an event I'm running Sat. Sunday works great for me. Let's do it then. Tweet me or gChat w/time. #
- @Pinboard so is delicious sync working again? #
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