- I Believe In Google Plus http://t.co/G9kcjESG #
- Daily Tip: Useful Plugin Displays All Available WordPress Shortcodes http://t.co/Q8NpwvGe #
- Occupy Cafe – an open space for global conversation http://t.co/5EFRXrnh #
- ‘Public Parts’ and its public parts: In a networked world, can a book go viral? http://t.co/ie7TxobY #
- What's going on with Google Reader? http://t.co/41vGtPqb #
- OWS photographers, please use Flickr http://t.co/7ZoFo2LL #
- 4 Questions With ProPublica’s New Social Media Editor http://t.co/s7uXMpRC #
- @Netflixhelps There an ETA on getting it working again? #
- Google Plus as a Storytelling Platform http://t.co/zmn8cM3A #
- The Guardian Awards for Digital Innovation open for entries http://t.co/0p7SrUTE #
- Do Too Many Kids Go To College? A Chicago Debate http://t.co/4pOuddEj #
- Sign of The Times to come? http://t.co/GuX8Cd7c #
- Privacy, Probable Cause and Peer Spectre http://t.co/sY5zjWbT #
- @merdamertume Tweet me when you publish it. I'm interested in seeing what you've got to say on the topic. #
- @nealjansons I don't get it… what are you summarizing? #
- @kierduros Yeah. I had to laugh at that one. #
- In market research, mobile dev or online marketing & blogging? Interested in working with a startup? I have an opportunity for you. Tweet me #
- Fox And Friends Call Protester Mom ‘Filth’ For Joining #OWS http://t.co/2TutI6PJ #
- Cuttings.me, a new portfolio platform for freelance journalists http://t.co/wEki8fnc #
- #Tip of the day from http://t.co/i3hYVaoU – avoiding common video storytelling mistakes http://t.co/tWfK5gzp #
- Identity and “Without Lawful Authority” http://t.co/WhFWhAnF #
- The Book Publishing Industry of the Future: It's All About Content. http://t.co/HpgCZaNf #
- @nealjansons Trying to do a twitter paper kind of thing? It's not really clear where it's coming from or why those stories are selected. #
- @occupySYDNEY Isn't working. #
- Mercury News has a timeline of #Occupy #Oakland raid. Very rough, but something. #occupyoakland http://t.co/zRi86XaN #
- Checking @JournalismSandy feed for photos from #occupyoakland raid. #
- @ScottMcGrew Definitively have seen photos of some sort of gas. Any ideas what it was if not tear gas? #
- ThinkProgress is now reporting on #occupyoakland raid. Report says protesters hit with smoke bombs, not tear gas – http://t.co/RXJMa3V6 #
- @nishneb Do any of the TV stations have online feeds? #
- punkboyinsf seems to be doing some calm live stream reporting from #occupyoakland raid – http://t.co/jJr2pepg #
- .@punkboyinsf is being shooed away by police, prevented from filming processing of #occupyoakland protesters – http://t.co/5E1dSoS5 #
- ABC7 now reporting on #occupyoakland raid – http://t.co/qn14jHof #
- Maybe smoke bomb? RT @Covlin: @NaomiAKlein You can see masses of tear gas clouds on this video at 17:30. http://t.co/Dzxnrwhn #OccupyOakland #
- .@punkboyinsf confirms through badge numbers that there are cops from at least three other counties involved in the #occupyoakland #
- "Are we free to walk the public streets yet?" "No" #occupyoakland stream from @punkboyinsf – http://t.co/YPqQXqJA #
- Quick and rough @storify of the #occupyoakland raid. Just trying to keep track of story. – http://t.co/MxAtQCzV #
- Amazing photos by @jpdobrin from the #occupyoakland raid – http://t.co/PaQ1HBV3 #
- IPOH!: Groupon Becomes Its Own Hot, Discounted Deal via @techcrunch http://t.co/MQIQXVpq #
- From @SFGate: "An officer fired a non-lethal projectile from a shotgun at a protester who had lobbed a bottle" at #OccupyOakland #
- RT @theshepeoples: RT @owsbot: #OccupyOakland Arrest Photos: http://t.co/f7HgWY3M #ows #
- Updated with more photos #occupyoakland @Storify – http://t.co/bOT59wtf #
- Another #occupyoakland @storify – Occupy Oakland Clearance on the Web | KQED News Fix. http://t.co/F96IDczL #
- .@jpdobrin Your site with the amazing #occupyoakland photos is down. Are they anywhere else? Could you put them on flickr? #
- .@OakFoSho I'm looking at your photo ( http://t.co/DwxutILD ), so did the smoke bombs come from #occupyoakland and not the OPD? #
- @JournalismSandy @OakFoSho @democracynow @GlobalRevLive @kgosztola I've quoted you in my story, check it out: http://t.co/Lr23A8Hf #
- @AnonyOps @studentactivism @Chronotope @PaperCatTales @abc7kristensze I've quoted you in my story, check it out: http://t.co/Lr23A8Hf #
- @AnonNep @WIProud @1jennarmstrong @garonsen @weezmgk @panda317 I've quoted you in my story, check it out: http://t.co/Lr23A8Hf #
- @ScottMcGrew @Grracy @jeeezelouise @Snakesan @drdrjojo @euqcaj I've quoted you in my story, check it out: http://t.co/Lr23A8Hf #
- @OccupyWallSt @indybay @barkway @northoaklandnow @KALWinformant @jpdobrin I've quoted you in my story, check it out: http://t.co/Lr23A8Hf #
- RT @ProfHacker: "Collecting Tweets with the TwitterPad Plugin for WordPress" http://t.co/Vyg7gCSc #
- Nifty transmedia storytelling experience – HOME: A Ghost Story http://t.co/QLWzt33A #
- Two case studies from McDonald’s and HP along with insights into Facebook’s commerce strategy and more. http://t.co/w6QbOXth #
- The AP Reports only 170 protesters at #occupyoakland – common on-scene reports place police numbers exceeding 500. http://t.co/Zw4gXyg4 #
- Blogger reports: area where police told independent media to stand was tear-gassed. Also: vid of assault on reporter. http://t.co/uvcYDnz1 #
- Blogger reports: area where police told independent media to stand was tear-gassed. http://t.co/MTDrZmwe #occupyoakland #
- @storify Thank you! Trying to keep it updated as more info comes through. #
- Oakland local NBC affiliate's TV coverage of #occupyoakland – http://t.co/jueGLC9U #
- Video by @OakFoSho of police raid on Snow Park #occupyoakland – http://t.co/NeCaVgI1 #
- @abc7kristensze Glad to. Thanks for your reportage. Very cool! It's a small world after all. #
- @jpdobrin Nope, back up. Also BuzzFeed has them on their site, if you didn't know. #
- @jpdobrin Yes. Great work! Best of luck to you as well. #
- The #occupyoakland @Storify updated with videos, more photos, more news – http://t.co/dNPCPFqe #
- Further updates committed to @Storify for #occupyoakland – http://t.co/bOT59wtf #
- Beautiful Image Galleries Using PhotoSwipe. http://t.co/wwUJ2jo5 #
- Using HTML5 Video and Audio in Modern Browsers. http://t.co/AkszsqSx #
- Can 'Mists of Pandaria' Save World of Warcraft? http://t.co/MIvacrHY #
- RT @agsylvain: @Connect2Mason wants your help sorting through police documents. http://t.co/DMEc3JWG #gmu #
- Hey… has anyone else lost all their historical information on @klout? #
- Occupy the URL Takes Protests to The Internet http://t.co/qIGYuPhu #
- .@jpdobrin Another set of amazing photos. Thanks! Re: http://t.co/5JWY0Srz #occupyoakland #
- RT @alexpriest: Hilarious. An Open Letter To My Parents When They Were Naming Me 20 Years Ago: http://t.co/SNX5rAM6 #
- Tool of the week for journalists – Error Level Analysis, to test if a photo is a hoax http://t.co/KuyN9i2A #
- Man Drives Honda 1 Million Miles http://t.co/93QpaSPp #
- Iranians Upset Over Google Reader Changes http://t.co/T3cWg0Zm #
- Documentary Reveals The Harsh World Of Competitive Quidditch. http://t.co/PBWhtTxH #
- 8 More Habits of Highly Effective Bloggers http://t.co/G0p1Bejb #
- Damn, I'd love to go to this: Futures of Entertainment | November 11-12, 2011 MIT, Cambridge MA http://t.co/d34zKQGS #
- Harvard Crimson: Students Constantly Checking Facebook in Class http://t.co/EO47862E #
- 3 Difficult Document-Mining Problems that Overview Wants to Solve http://t.co/qiL609VI #
- What I really think of interning and how it is destroying the youth job market. http://t.co/K1nCHFEd #
- As Occupy Wall Street evolves, news sites find it “a great opportunity for web journalism” http://t.co/eVGzvGsE #
- Tear gas thrown at #occupyoakland – http://t.co/RoOJ5sLQ #
- Photos and video from @motherjones on Storify about #occupyoakland last night. http://t.co/DY0bGqeN #
- RT @cicm: Facebook Timeline: Negative Feedback May Have Caused Rollout Delay http://t.co/44n56nXw (via @fludapp) #
- @andrea_r The best are the people who are looking right at my name in the "To" line, then manage to misspell it in the body of the message. #
- Bloodrayne screenwriter explains the perils of working with Uwe Boll. http://t.co/cVUOo3MF #
- Life After Debt: an economic report from 2000 anticipates a world where America has paid everything off. http://t.co/7yAYrIQY #
- Here Is The Insane Video of Marine Vet Shot In Face At #occupyoakland http://t.co/BbywswqW #
- Guardian launches @GuardianTagBot – which auto answers questions http://t.co/BiioYmNI #
- Newspaper sites see traffic drop across the board http://t.co/sxNXyAgi #
- Mashable: How to work out the best time to post on your Facebook page http://t.co/1pHXbEeR #
- The Guardian launches n0tice, an open community news platform http://t.co/jxRLC94B #
- Meet Scroll, a new tool that wants to de-templatize the news web http://t.co/xn1RDifU #
- The world according to Opera Mini (scoop) http://t.co/E0lMdiVE #
- Piecing Together a Narrative http://t.co/eAtQzDcr #
- App of the week for journalists – Teleportd, location-based Twitter and Facebook image search http://t.co/P1YbLUQ5 #
- His Name Is Scott Olsen: Marine, Iraq War Vet Put Into Critical Condition By Oakland Police http://t.co/QdTrkwc7 #
- RT @MacDiva: Apply now for MediaStorm's Spring Internship: http://t.co/lTv6JFdx Deadline is Nov. 1. /via @BrianStorm #interns #
- How a Novelist Bypassed His Publisher and Raised $11,000 on Kickstarter http://t.co/GrA84eY0 #
- Amazon Embraces HTML5 for New Ebooks http://t.co/BDgDcAO8 #
- E-Book Checkouts From Libraries Up 200 Percent Over 2010 http://t.co/PzkwmMSt via @paidContent #
- MediaShift . E-Book Publishers Must Provide Flexible Access to Avoid 'Media Hell' | PBS http://t.co/ZXPePo7o #
- #occupyoakland clash – The Raw Video http://t.co/mjC9anXY via @Storify #
- Privacy Fail: Klout Has Gone Too Far. http://t.co/vnMaPMsW #
- Foursquare’s Product Manager on The 5 Laws of Engagement http://t.co/n4y0SxYM via @TNWapps #
- Is Amazon Short-Changing Authors? http://t.co/IRh3nyYl #
- @KevinLoker LOL. A novelization of Settlers of Catan? I think that may be taking things too far. #
- New Bipartisan Bill Will Allow U.S. Gov’t To Shut Off Any Website, Anywhere, For Any Reason http://t.co/YcNYIrQ2 #
- Codecademy Raises $2.5 Million To Teach You How To Code http://t.co/kQKAPRcL #
- #occupyoakland is finally getting some real mainstream media attention. Not as much as it deserves, but some. It only took the MSM 48 hours. #
- @fredmcclimans Sounds good! #
- Reviewing Video Game Reviews http://t.co/AqJyZj4l via @nitemaremodenet #
- Should We Give Google+ Another Chance? http://t.co/l8BklhUO #
- OpenBlock to Help Rural Newspapers Get Access to Public Data http://t.co/lXDGo8u3 #
- Students Respond to Obama’s New Student Loan Plan http://t.co/VA4KN0y4 #
- The path of disruption: Did Newspaper Next succeed in transforming newspapers? http://t.co/GXhLYCPH #
- Reach News Junkies on the Second Screen http://t.co/233VTbN2 #
- Get Creative: Include Any File or PHP Anywhere on Your WordPress Site http://t.co/Q3vRmDkJ #
- Google says no to law enforcement video take-down requests #OWS http://t.co/RAQrzKX5 #
- Google+ Ripples show influence and how posts are shared http://t.co/gq9UsMpb #
- How to Break Into a Computer (And Prevent It from Happening to You) [Evil Week] http://t.co/aKtMlcB1 #
- "Meet Occupy Wall Street's anarchist-in-chief." http://t.co/ZV7U2NsW #OWS #
- "What I saw at Occupy Oakland" from The Daily Californian http://t.co/Dx2Gb7VR #
- Heron: “I think my job will probably not exist in five years.” http://t.co/CziSPMHI #
- Why not occupy newsrooms? http://t.co/gHOqaBB3 via @CICM #
- Heh, we just got our pitch to @GMUStudentMedia to sign on with Press+'s college media paywall. The pitch managed to not say paywall though. #
- Yes, Apple's Building A TV — And It Will Be Powered By Siri http://t.co/rjGWObUT via @sai #
- @ashpanic LOL. Too true.
- @alisonjk what exactly is going on there? #
- Lolcats Could Save the Washington Post. http://t.co/8BjTspz0 #
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