- Off to @SMCDC Breakfast. A bit of a trip from Fairfax, but I'm looking forward to it. #
- Made it! #
- Hearing about the WeLoveDC blog. First is a set of local bloggers. #
- "Voice x passion = audiance" #
- WeLoveDC started out of a need for their own way to connect to community #smcdc #smbdc #
- Use of Flickr group to grab photos and allow contributions. #smbdc #smcdc #
- WeLoveDC sends out emails to authors when the site has been inactive for too long. #smbdc #smcdc #
- WeLoveDC using their own bit.ly through pro and shared Twitter. #smcdc #smbdc #
- FreeInDC talking about the art and awesome in DC. #smcdc #smbdc #
- http://twitpic.com/1612mz – FreeInDC at #smcdc #smbdc #
- On blogging: "no no no, it's really easy" #smcdc #smbdc #
- FreeInDC on getting info: Being involved; Facebook events; e-mail tips (give her the basics!); Twitter for leads. #smcdc #smbdc #
- Washington City Paper and cultural capital allow you to serach for free. #smcdc #smbdc #
- Big tip from both: be involved in what you cover. #smcdc #smbdc #
- Now up, a very hyper-local blogger, covers the space of a few blocks. #smcdc #smbdc #
- "Be out there and see what's going on … They come to you because they want to know what's going on, they want to see photos" #smcdc #smbdc #
- Hearing from these local bloggers, what sets them apart? They are part of what they cover and this creates passion. #smcdc #smbdc #
- They had the skills, one with a J-degree, the other a photojourn. #
- "Your sources are very important" #smcdc #smbdc #
- "We just walked over and talke to the police. It's simple stuff" #smcdc #smbdc #
- Digital Capital week – a 10 day series of events in DC. Digitalcapital.org. #smcdc #smbdc #
- First 2000 tickets are free #smcdc #smbdc #
- Next #smbdc is April 12 #
- Wrong link before, here is the right one digitalcapitalweek.org #smbdc #
- Cold subs only today at the JC. Oy. #gmufail #
- @NoahWolfe Great talking to you too. in reply to NoahWolfe #
- About three hours total for back and forth commute to #smbdc Worth it. Great event, great people, awesome presenters. #
- "This will be the most hostile world you have encountered." "Except Wal-Mart on Black Friday" Unskippable- Avatar http://bit.ly/atzgNq #
- @sameoldjostie @alaModest I have also registered. I may end up setting up an event for it too. 🙂 in reply to sameoldjostie #
- Glad to meet you today @rachelrule! #
- In all the time I've worked at @GMUStudentMedia this is our most awesome headline: "Textbooks Allegedly Sold for Crack." #
- As I'm putting the paper online, I see a huge ad for "gBay" which (barely) manages to combine eBay and the Mason Patriots logo. o.0 #
- Two songs that will make any remix sound good: Bittersweet Symphony and Clubbed to Death. #
- RT @UPIU AU's Center for Social Media has rescheduled their Making Media Matter conference for May 12. http://bit.ly/citoqf #
- Check it out – "Textbooks Allegedly Sold for Crack: Mason Police Bust Bookstore Theft Ring" – http://bit.ly/bmWGWa #
- Students steal textbooks, sell them for crack http://ff.im/-gLyQ8 #
- Textbooks Allegedly Sold for Crack: Mason Police Bust Bookstore Theft Ring | Connect2Mason http://ff.im/-gLIjp #
- RT @UPIU: Great story assignment available on how social media is overtaking search engines. Take it before I do 🙂 http://bit.ly/atNsE3 #
- @clioweb Huh, not sure why that is happening. Here is "Textbooks Allegedly Sold for Crack" http://bit.ly/bmWGWa in reply to clioweb #
- @elizabethalida @KristineMBrown – http://bit.ly/bmWGWa is the correct link. There was a weird error. in reply to elizabethalida #
- RT @JIDF: JIDF Mentioned in official Hamas Forum: http://is.gd/9tV3y #judaism #Jews #jewish #Israel #antisemitism #
- I'm finding Outlook confusing after so much gMail. #
- @altgirldelete It could always be worse. He could be telling knock-knock jokes – http://bit.ly/aaVhgL in reply to altgirldelete #
- @MacDivaONA I like it, though the background is a little dark to read the black text on, even with the box. I like the purple. in reply to MacDivaONA #
- @thesixtyone Time for my weekly gripe :). Why are the genre filters so many clicks in? Making them obvious without the quest would be cool. #
- Oh and @thesixtyone You know I only gripe because I pretty much stopped listening to anything but your site on my computer. <3 #
- @MacDivaONA The latest beta build of Chrome. in reply to MacDivaONA #
- @MacDivaONA Yes, it is much easier to read. in reply to MacDivaONA #
- @WLWriter I love your tool. But all of a sudden posts to my blogs strip out the carrots "<>" in both WP and Textpattern. How do I fix it? #
- RT @VA_GOP Today
is Election Day in Fairfax County! If you live in the HoD District 41
or the Mason District… http://bit.ly/aR6ozX # - @hidama Electric Light Orchestra 🙂 in reply to hidama #
- Case Study of Twitter in the College Classroom http://ff.im/-gODo5 #
- @yurivictor Thanks for the invite. That is excellent. in reply to yurivictor #
- http://twitpic.com/168trz – Huh intresting. Another web mag at Mason. #
- 4.5 SWAT Raids Per Day in Maryland http://ff.im/-gPp8V #
- The Future Of CSS Typography – Smashing Magazine http://ff.im/-gPxeX #
- GMail devs: Please turn my inbox into a video game. This needs to be way more fun. #
- Is going offline from everything but gmail in order to tackle this inbox. There may be blood. #
- JESS3 / The State of The Internet http://ff.im/-gPHAE #
- GMU Folk http://ff.im/-gPPEY #
- Oy. Inbox = 0. Now to deal with the Follow Up folder. #
- Macmillan Stacking Sandbags Against e-Book Flood – GigaOM http://ff.im/-gQayp #
- Apple kicks HTC in the nuts to slow down the iPhone's Android competition. http://bit.ly/cNgKk1 #
- Pro-Israel groups set to counter campus apartheid claims http://ff.im/-gQuIV #
- UAE bans entry to dual Israeli citizens http://ff.im/-gQuOY #
- Meet the fastest tweet in the Jewish organizational world: William Daroff http://ff.im/-gQvaq #
- What the Tweetmeme Toyota Portal Looks Like Under the Hood http://ff.im/-gQvp8 #
- Harvard students lobby alumni lawmakers on Iran http://ff.im/-gQvOK #
- Top 10 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Blog Using LinkedIn http://ff.im/-gQwEC #
- Do You Follow Too Many People On Twitter? Use ManageTwitter. http://ff.im/-gQGmb #
- @samplereality I've been trying to put into words why this tag-line irritated me, beyond its triteness. You hit the nail on the head. in reply to samplereality #
- Help! Windows Live Writer is stripping the < and > brackets whenever I try and post to a blog. Does anyone know why this would happen? #
- You always know you are working with a newspaper designer when they give you graphics for the web in CMYK 😛 #
- Visualize your Last.fm listening patterns with LastHistory http://ff.im/-gSZLi #
- You have to check out these great tips on writing for journalists – http://bit.ly/c1IOWJ #j future #
- @alexpriest Sadly Mac only. I'll have to wait until I get to the office before I can check it out. in reply to alexpriest #
- 2010 Census — Fairfax County Public Service Announcement http://ff.im/-gTafY #
- Foursquare for journalists http://ff.im/-gTb0E #
- Georgetown Voice Helps Start High-Profile Snowball Fight http://ff.im/-gTbaZ #
- RT @CICM @albertsun: CoPress has a public debrief call to talk about shutdown +what learned at 7pm ET today, call info: http://bit.ly/bHi5MF #
- Prep for the #J Future – 10 Ways to Write Well | Building the J-Future http://ff.im/-gThZp #
- 7 Useful Hacks and Tutorials From the Buddypress Community This Week http://ff.im/-gTj9x #
- Research Dramatizes Changing Practices http://ff.im/-gTj9Q #
- Photographers to lose copyright and right to photograph in public (cached) http://ff.im/-gTkzn #
- Is Digg Completely Irrelevant? Why College Students don't care about Digg anymore. http://bit.ly/9clN2A #
- Studying shouldn't require stimulants http://ff.im/-gTCHl #
- Damn… it looks like G.ho.st is shutting down their free service 🙁 #
- @copress Why not just use a hashtag? in reply to copress #
- Logged into talkshoe with @CoPress. Interesting system #
- #CoPress call begins. #
- RT @wjchat: 15 min until start #wjchat Topic: For aspiring journalists breaking into & remaking journalism industry w/ @KelseyProud #wjchat #
- #wjchat is a go! Yay! Still following the #CoPress call as well. #wjchat #
- Hi everyone, I'm Aram New Media Manager for @UPIU and Tech Manager for @GMUStudentMedia #wjchat #
- I agree with @kimbui – You need to make yourself stand out somehow in either case. #wjchat #
- @terranenvoy Hey there! #wjchat in reply to terranenvoy #
- @hgondo Thanks. in reply to hgondo #
- @reneejperron The way I've dealt with it is pursued projects and tried to learn EVERYTHING relevant to my role in the project. #wjchat in reply to reneejperron #
- @reneejperron It's how I learned about multi-account Twitter management and much of WordPress. Same with CSS and HTML way back. #wjchat in reply to reneejperron #
- @reneejperron Lol, nothing creates a better learning experience than being desperate for money 😛 #wjchat in reply to reneejperron #
- @marygazze @david_wylie – Do it on your own. Investigate what matters to you, do interviews, make a blog post. #wjchat in reply to marygazze #
- @reneejperron Yeah. All self taught here, from the pre-Google days. View Source was pretty much how I learned the first 50% of HTML #wjchat in reply to reneejperron #
- @MegBiallas You want to see a great example of can-do journalism, talk to @EricaAmerica #wjchat in reply to MegBiallas #
- @samplereality Palm was good at that. I loved my old Palm Pilots and even my Handsprings. 🙂 in reply to samplereality #
- @mckennaewen I hope to. I have plans 😉 #wjchat in reply to McKennaEwen #
- Thinking @mckennaewen: If someone gave you everything you needed to start your own hyperlocal +an instruction book, would you do it? #wjchat #
- @hgondo 🙂 me too. #wjchat in reply to hgondo #
- Q7: Also, nothing is more important than keeping people informed w/what's important. It's the most important job you could have. #wjchat #
- RT @wjchat: Q8 How does your current job compare with the type of journo you always dreamed of being? #wjchat #
- @hgondo Same. Never expected to be doing journalism, stumbled into it, now love it. #wjchat in reply to hgondo #
- @andymboyle We could always use more free bagels. #wjchat in reply to andymboyle #
- @jameswilkerson Heh. Like I said. I found sites I liked and viewed the source. Downloaded a lot of templates too. #
- @McKennaEwen Mmm, not just money, but a product and a book on how to use it. All the tools for hosting, all the tips for advertising, etc..? in reply to McKennaEwen #
- @KenzDawn It is good to remember that a story that changes lives IS important, no matter how many read it. #wjchat in reply to KenzDawn #
- @kbeninato Ideas? #wjchat in reply to kbeninato #
- @lisawilliams And didn't I hear that AOL just dumped a whole bunch more money into Patch? #wjchat in reply to lisawilliams #
- @mommadona Figuring out how to turn Journalism outlets into small agile units working with overarching coordinators a la NPR. #wjchat in reply to mommadona #
- @michelleminkoff @RobinJP Investigative journalism that comes naturally from high quality aggregation. #wjchat in reply to michelleminkoff #
- RT @hgondo: RT @longcreative: @andymboyle Eh. Profit is overrated. [Making money is how business work. We all need a new plan.] #wjchat #
- @jameswilkerson W/Cit Journ and smart search tools (ex:Every Block) investigative journ opportunities should come natural #wjchat in reply to jameswilkerson #
- @longcreative I have the beginnings of a plan. Initial investment? $3,000 Small agile journalism is cheep 2 implement and effective. #wjchat in reply to longcreative #
- Thanks @KelseyProud and all other participants. This has been great. #wjchat #
- @jameswilkerson No, EveryBlock is not journalism. But it is a tool for journalists from which story opportunities evolve regularly. #wjchat in reply to jameswilkerson #
- @MegBiallas Thanks. Good to see you and everyone else. #wjchat in reply to MegBiallas #
- @donohoe Would love to hear more about what you've done. Peaked a look at your website and you've done some sweet stuff for NYT. #wjchat #
- RT @michelleminkoff: RT @andymboyle @wjchat Just remember folks: Do what you love to do. Then its not really "work." Its "awesome." #wjchat #
- Yay! Line in for my Cowen S9 is here! I hope to use it to do some interviews at the CMA conference next week. #
- RT @shareables Possibly the Coolest Thing I’ve Seen The iPhone Do [Video] http://tnw.to/15lai #
- I favorited a YouTube video — EveryDay Looper – Les Ramens – http://youtu.be/CzQLRPwZjIo?a #
- Livestream Calls Out Ustream and Justin.tv for Profiting Off of Piracy http://ff.im/-gUstr #
- Is Digg Completely Irrelevant? | Hack Text http://ff.im/-gVuQj #
- Wow, did not know that Skype was illegal in Dubai. #
- @hgondo Of course. But it is extreme. in reply to hgondo #
- @alaModest It is awesome isn't it :). They should have that guy do their next iPhone ad. in reply to alaModest #
- @lisawilliams Wow, that is an incredibly nifty site. in reply to lisawilliams #
- "This message will self destruct" – Send password locked notes that can only be opened once via http://bit.ly/92b57D #
- Blog: Bad Journalism News Hunt Results http://ff.im/-gWao8 #
- @KristineMBrown Lol, what were they playing? in reply to KristineMBrown #
- I'm pretty sure I account for 50% of the GMU Chick-fil-a's OJ sales. 😛 #
- Hot dogs are deadly – http://bit.ly/da16dV #
- What is the app that builds the conversationlist Twitter lists? #
- @samplereality Interesting concept. Not quite the idea of the site, but it is always fun to mess around. Is there a project goal in mind? in reply to samplereality #
- @samplereality I wonder if there would be a way to visually display a group's check-ins on a special page. Perhaps by plugging into the API? in reply to samplereality #
- Just installed Rapportive, it looks like it will be an awesome tool for GMail. #
- @IsCool Link? in reply to IsCool #
- 5 LinkedIn Groups to Boost Your Social Media Savvy http://ff.im/-gWxAR #
- Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY edition includes 3D glasses http://ff.im/-gWxAS #
- Intel unveils platform for home storage networks http://ff.im/-gWxPa #
- How to Create OCR Scannable Business Cards http://ff.im/-gWyu2 #
- Using mobile to break free from ‘architectured’ content http://ff.im/-gWz5a #
- @alexpriest Source from @You2Gov? 2 Hours ago he wasn't – http://bit.ly/9eU5k1 in reply to alexpriest #
- @alexpriest It looks like just his Dir. of Communications has resigned. http://bit.ly/cY53Uj #Paterson in reply to alexpriest #
- @samplereality That sounds interesting and possible. I'm always a fan of a good Yahoo Pipes project 🙂 in reply to samplereality #
- Huffington Post Still Growing Like a Weed [MediaMemo] http://ff.im/-gX52Y #
- Google Launching New System To Index Content In Real Time http://ff.im/-gX58b #
- Lawsuit details: Activision bought Infinity Ward for $5M, went on to generate $3 billion in revenues from Call of… http://ff.im/-gX607 #
- With Not Enough Plain Vanilla Corruption Out There, The SEC Is Now Chasing After Psychics http://ff.im/-gX6Ls #
- I cannot figure out how to add new streams to Buzz… hmm #
- About to watch Orpheus Descending at GMU #
- I'm at Theaterspace #
- Rapportive Replaces Gmail Ads with Contact Info, Is Very Cool [Downloads] http://ff.im/-gXAmk #
- The Company That We Keep http://ff.im/-gXAKX #
- CollegeGate 2010: This Time The Teachers Are Leaving Too http://ff.im/-gXAVL #
- Audio Editing on a Budget or Away from Home http://ff.im/-gXBDF #
- Boston College Radio Station Proud to Have “No Commercial Potential” http://ff.im/-gXC1g #
- “This Too Shall Pass” Unless It Goes Viral! http://ff.im/-gXCnz #
- Pentagon Lockdown: Metro Shooting Prompts Pentagon Lockdown http://ff.im/-gXCMP #
- Cellphone classroom field study finds effective learning http://ff.im/-gXCYW #
- Wow, almost a full house. #
- Breaking: Pentagon Lockdown After Metro Shooting, 2 Victims Pentagon Police http://ff.im/-gXDFK #
- Yelp Hit With Second Extortion Lawsuit, CEO Calls It Meritless http://ff.im/-gXOH8 #
- Virtual events keep growing, and even Comdex makes a comeback online http://ff.im/-gXOUV #
- Geekery, mind mapping and Chrome http://ff.im/-gXPw4 #
- Between a Rock and a Head Crab http://ff.im/-gXQ4M #
- Pentagon Press Conference On Tonight’s Shootings: “This Has Never Happened In Our History” http://ff.im/-gXQjg #
- Twitter History Was Made! | Details On The 10 Billionth Tweet http://ff.im/-gXQxj #
- No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller http://ff.im/-gXQM3 #
- AIG Units Settle Discrimination Case http://ff.im/-gXQZx #
- @sameoldjostie It was actually very good. Though not what I expected from reading it. in reply to sameoldjostie #
- Jon Stewart Chatroulette: Daily Show Host Runs Into Brian Williams, Katie Couric, Keith Olbermann (VIDEO) http://ff.im/-gYq6d #
- http://twitpic.com/16rzxa – Just doing an interview with @kristajk for @UPIU #
- Just put up my @UPIU blog post with local blogger extraordinaire @freeindc – http://bit.ly/cjOV4L – She has some great advice. #
- I'm at UPI (1133 19th st nw, Washington). http://4sq.com/cvCzRd #
- http://twitpic.com/16sbnu – Another great visit to UPI. Looking forward to posting podcast. #
- I'm at O-Sushi #
- FlashHacker Keeps Flash Videos in Full Screen on Your Dual Monitors [Downloads] http://ff.im/-h0CVT #
- COLUMN: I'm Graduating, I Don't Have A Job, And That's Okay http://ff.im/-h0Gvj #
- Portal 2 Adds Multiplayer Co-op, Hits This "Holiday" [Valve] http://ff.im/-h0GPi #
- Mizzou Faculty Council Approves Domestic Partner Benefits http://ff.im/-h0HJt #
- 2 Dead Economists In An Epic Rap Battle http://ff.im/-h0HUK #
- More info on the Pentagon Shooting from Both Sides of the Fence http://ff.im/-h0Wek #
- http://twitpic.com/16ti92 – Am I the only one who finds this creepy? #
- With Passion, Hyper-local is Easy | Building the J-Future http://ff.im/-h1b9r #
- #followfriday #smbdc – @welovedc @tbridge @tiffany @freeinDCblog @amymelrose @borderstan @frankgruber @noreaster Thanks. #
- Comedy Central’s Ugly Americans A Delightful Labor of Self-Indulgence http://ff.im/-h1hua #
- Gain a Job, Lose Two Jobs: Do Tech Companies Wield Too Much Power? http://ff.im/-h1hud #
- Elizabeth Grossman: Eating In, Caveat Emptor: FDA Recalls scores of prepared and processed foods http://ff.im/-h1ioo #
- Tumblr Lets You Add Pages to Your Blog http://ff.im/-h1npY #
- Public debrief at a glance http://ff.im/-h1npX #
- Simple blogging startup Posterous raises $4.4M http://ff.im/-h1x3s #
- More Infinity Ward http://ff.im/-h1xl9 #
- Lost tribe? http://ff.im/-h1xvQ #
- Snow Summit 2010: Provide Your Ideas http://ff.im/-h1yjl #
- In Zurich, A Fish Is Entitled to a Lawyer http://ff.im/-h1yy5 #
- Attention Is the Real Resource http://ff.im/-h1zKZ #
- Games Provide Comfort to Chilean Woman Pulling Through Quake [Feel Good] http://ff.im/-h1Atk #
- How to pick the right chart http://ff.im/-h1AE4 #
- Discussing Apple’s Control-Freakery on Canadian Radio http://ff.im/-h1AQA #
- Oy! It’s Oscar Time! Heeb’s 100 Best Jewy Movie Moments http://ff.im/-h1Bdg #
- I'm at Firehook Bakery @ Capitol Hill (215 Pennsylvania Ave SE, Washington). http://4sq.com/4kSKCm #
- Hanging with the #csidc crew. #
- Going to try and drop ad-hoc notes on the #csidc meeting in the http://csidc.wordpress.com/ #
- @alaModest Ah yes, Esperanto – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esperanto – I used to know a guy who could speak it excellently. in reply to alaModest #
- Notes from today's #csidc meeting w/HubDC – http://csidc.wordpress.com/tag/3-6-10/ – Wiki post up soon. #
- RT @MaiaKG: learning abt @HubDC: "the Zipcars for working spaces" frm @Chronotope #csidc #
- I'm at Kanlaya #
- @scholarpress Great! I'll upgrade it as soon as I'm back at the computer. Thank you. #
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