Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-14

14 03 2010
  • Anyone know where the @BoltBus leaves from at Union Station in DC? #
  • Made it to the BoltBus and am on my way to NY. #
  • @BoltBus @dcmetrogirl @joyrenee Thanks for the directions. I made it! 🙂 in reply to BoltBus #
  • @ninjaclectic A few meetings and a conference and just saying hello to family. So a bunch of stuff 🙂 in reply to ninjaclectic #
  • AHHHHH! Tron Legacy Trailer!!!! #FlynnLives – I cannot wait for this movie. #
  • MIT Media Lab Extension: The New Home of Face-Melting Research [Nifty!] #
  • WordPress Gives in to Google on Real-time RSS: rssCloud is done. #
  • WordPress Gives in to Google on Real-time RSS | Hack Text #
  • Journalism Students in Malaysia – #jfuture #
  • J-students, Malaysia-style | Building the J-Future #
  • RT @simonowens: Lindsay Lohan wants $100M over E-Trade ad now there's a story for Techdirt #
  • RT @wpjenna: Mysterious Steve Holt runs for GWU student govt, wins a seat but can't be found until YouTube video #
  • Mac vs PC: How Apple Got Back In The Game #
  • Happy Gay Wedding Day, Washington! #
  • Manhattanhenge Sunset – 42nd St on Flickr #
  • LifeLock Settles With FTC For $11 Million Over False Claims In Ads #
  • 2010 Consumer Action Handbook #
  • Hire A Hipster Housecleaner On Craigslist #
  • Ooops – WaPo's Kaplan U funded with $780 million worth of government student aid. Also under "review" by Dept. of Ed. #
  • @tremendousnews What? Oh no! in reply to tremendousnews #
  • @ninjaclectic Hey, thank you for the invite. in reply to ninjaclectic #
  • Apathy Runs Wild; Washington Post Scooped – Streetwise – M. Santoli and B. Alpert – #
  • #2TwitMe RT @cyberdad Twitter API: Up and Running: Learn How to Build Applications with the Twitter AP.. #
  • Trying to find the novel The Windup Girl in a physical bookstore… at number 4 and no luck. #
  • I'm at Wondee Siam III #
  • @ninjaclectic Yup, I have an Ultra Flip HD #
  • RT @rww: Phonebooth Launches Free Google Voice Competitor for Startups and Small Businesses #
  • RT @UPIU: Journalism Students in Malaysia – #jfuture #
  • Sam Graham-Felsen: Why I'm Joining the Alliance for Youth Movements #
  • 5 stores now visited trying to find a physical copy of The Windup Girl. Amazon doesn't even have any in their stock. #
  • I favorited a YouTube video — THE NEW DORK – Entrepreneur State of Mind (Jay-Z ft Alicia Keys Spoof) #
  • RT @alleyinsider Facebook Isn't For Real LIfe Friends Anymore, Says Foursquare's Dennis Crowley #
  • @purplehayz Yeah, that is nifty isn't it. in reply to purplehayz #
  • Same-sex couples wed for the first time in Washington – Photos #
  • @cyberdad What are you using to auto thank people? in reply to cyberdad #
  • Read this article to learn how I grow a social media presence or brand – #
  • 4 Step Social Media Strategy | Building the J-Future #
  • Just finished a great interview with @MacDivaONA. Look for it next week on the @UPIU blog. #
  • Found the book at store 10. I hope it is as good as everyone says. #
  • #wjchat tonight in an hour! Topic: Numbers–Not the Nightmare We Think They Are. #
  • Hmmm so WMA -> Wav is about x8 in size. #
  • Hey Everyone! Aram ZS here. New Media Manager for @UPIU and Technology Manager for @GMUStudentMedia #wjchat #
  • Data is always useful, especially good for enriching content and framing stories. #wjchat #
  • @reneejperron What sort of hoops did you face? #wjchat in reply to reneejperron #
  • @ethanklapper Yes, we are lucky at GMU, since it is a public university we can FOIA it. #wjchat in reply to ethanklapper #
  • RT @vanguardiste Definitely. Any error is an issue. For me data errors are easier to miss in spreadsheet. There is no spellcheck 😉 #wjchat #
  • @webjournalist Though surely a statistician might help in spotting that, right? #wjchat in reply to webjournalist #
  • @SuperDu Yes, the more research you do with stats and economics #s the more experience you get in parsing it. #wjchat in reply to SuperDu #
  • RT @jeffsonderman: @wjchat Heres a great Google tool for mapping data from a Google spreadsheet: #wjchat #
  • RT @johnfcampbell: Q7 Most powerful tool: ask someone whos been at it already. #wjchat #
  • @gotoPlanB Flowingdata is a great site. #wjchat in reply to gotoplanb #
  • I enjoyed the #wjchat this week, but I really would have liked to see more how-tos, tools, techniques, etc… #
  • How To: Create Mosaic Effect On Your Pictures #
  • Health Care Reform Supporters Rally in DC [Featured on UPIU] | Building the J-Future #
  • Did Caprica just mock Second Life? #
  • Ooo, I can put my location on this post… #
  • Panic in Georgia as bogus TV report says Russia has invaded #
  • Mass Effect 2 Carried Over 700 Plot "Hooks" From Original Game Saves [Gdc10] #
  • Well, I forgot about the time change for #cmanyc10 Going to get very little sleep now. Have to catch 7:09AM train. >.< #
  • Does anyone know if there are any delays for @MetroNorthTweet ? I'm at Larchmont. #
  • Multimedia and storytelling with the NYT at #CMANYC10 #
  • "Break down the silos" DeVigal, Multimedia Editor of the NYT, says ignore the platform and craft stories. #CMANYC10 #
  • There are too many page designers and they are losing their jobs. DeVigal is surprised that folks are teaching InDesign #CMANYC10 #
  • You can follow NYT's Multimedia Editor on Twitter – @drewvigal – he is showcasing a great soundslide-like video at #CMANYC10 #
  • It is soundslides, but NYT's readers think of it as video #CMANYC10 #
  • "It's about the narrative and telling the story in every way possible" says @drewvigal #CMANYC10 #
  • RT @JournalistFTC: #cmanyc10 – Multimedia Tip of the day: Have a run bag ready! Audio, video, photo equip, usb and contact sheet + know … #
  • Gather your media first, write your script second. #cmanyc10 #
  • NYT folks work with a team to produce multimedia stories. #cmanyc10 #
  • @KevinLoker We already have a copy, it is so easy to use. It is too bad I couldn't make it to that, you'll have to tell me all about it. … #
  • Design Technologist – have someone on your staff to play with CSS and pick up HTML5 – @drewvigal at #cmanyc10 #
  • Motion Graphics = video/infographics/audio – looks very cool. Also hard. @drewvigal is very excited, thinks it is untapped market. #cmanyc10 #
  • Looks very very cool, done with After Effects + Final Cut. Flash video format or can be .mov or HTML5 vid #cmanyc10 #motiongraphics #
  • Note to self, spend more time playing with After Effects. Every thing I see something made with AE is awesome. #cmanyc10 #
  • @drewvigal seems not to have signed on to the Flash hate train. #cmanyc10 #
  • Users fall into either Homer Simpsons or Lisa Simpsons, so keep it simple but give it depth. #cmanyc10 #
  • Whole group at NYT thinking about how to use, handle and display data and databases.#cmanyc10 #
  • Interactive news, graphics, design, video, photo are the desks Multimedia works with. You can see slides at @drewvigal 's website. #cmanyc10 #
  • Ruby on Rails is the NYT's interactive of choice. #
  • SEO and Web Analytics + Social Networking is a big part of the NYT Multimedia publishing plan #cmanyc10 #
  • "Specialize in what you want to do" avoid the weakness in many hats. Ex: Use dipity to make timelines instead of learning Flash. #cmanyc10 #
  • Advice to j-students from @drewvigal"What makes you happy? What do you do in your spare time?" That's what you should do #cmanyc10 #
  • Want a job? Market and brand yourself. Self publish. #cmanyc10 #
  • "No URL attached to a resume? That blows my mind. … Focus on your samples." Know the industry. #cmanyc10 #
  • Just got a quick vid with @drewvigal for @UPIU at #cmanyc10 #
  • About to catch @brianstelter as the keynote speaker at #cmanyc10 #
  • "The deadline reminds me that other people depend on what we write" from @brianstelter #cmanyc10 #
  • "Taking what I was passionate about and presenting it to other people." #cmanyc10 #
  • Post all the time and get the facts right sez @brianstelter #cmanyc10 #
  • Fill this in: "In media, I can be the best at [fill in here]" #cmanyc10 #
  • "You have to really really want it." #cmanyc10 #
  • "Online, online, online" Web should be on the resume first. Think of yourself as a web journo. Web first jobs. #cmanyc10 #
  • 'Follow stories all the way through to the layout' #cmanyc10 #
  • "Need to Hustle" know that you need to work those 14 hour days says @brianstelter #cmanyc10 #
  • "We are all faking it until we make it" #cmanyc10 #
  • Cory Sekine-Pettite's comment shown: 'good reporting is key.' @kfoody is next up. #cmanyc10 #
  • "Always think of yourself as your own brand and business." #cmanyc10 #
  • Write Everywhere #cmanyc10 #
  • Comment by @Danielrandolph: "Don't be afraid to experiment, and fail" #cmanyc10 #
  • "If you can't write, forget it … You must have a sense of curiosity." #cmanyc10 #
  • "We don't need more opinion." #cmanyc10 #
  • "Figure out something new and put it online." #cmanyc10 #
  • "Don't forget to get it right." says Daisy Whitney. #cmanyc10 #
  • "Figure out what you can do to be indispensable" says @brianstelter #cmanyc10 #
  • "Find a narrow narrow subject" #cmanyc10 #
  • "Be transparent" #cmanyc10 #
  • @brianstelter thinks of his Twitter stream as a clip. #cmanyc10 #
  • 'It takes time–years–to grow a user-base.' #
  • – Keynote at #cmanyc10 #
  • @brianstelter Naw, this is great and answering most of my Qs. Tho I would love to hear more about how you use Twitter. #
  • A lot of peole at #cmanyc10 talking about how much time journos need to work, esp w/social media. #
  • Captured some video with @brianstelter for @UPIU. #
  • Hearing all about WaPo's combination of Web and Print at #cmanyc10 #
  • RT @KevinLoker: w/blog, there's chance source may not talk. After publish piece, ethically but w/o their comment, may be more apt. #cmanyc10 #
  • WaPo was worried about letting digital re-post print content #cmanyc10 #
  • WaPo and Web Devision divided, hard to bridge the gap. #cmanyc10 #
  • @twEapen Sweet. Thanks. in reply to twEapen #
  • WaPo was stuck with the egos of their reporters and internal staff, not readers. #cmanyc10 #
  • Tan Ly–Lead Sunday Designer–is talking about the issues WaPo had with internal competition between web and print products #cmanyc10 #
  • WaPo – a lot of various editors with their hands in the web pot. Moving to a more "flat" system. #cmanyc10 #
  • @mattdchambers I haven't really heard that, which is sort of surprising. What sessions have you heard that in? #cmanyc10 in reply to mattdchambers #
  • Print and Digital sides at WaPo had very different needs and required many changes, including 50% change in staffing, to combine #cmanyc10 #
  • New setup integrates WaPo digital folks into the hub of the newsroom. #cmanyc10 #
  • RT @macloo: Why I don't go to many confs: All men on online news of tomorrow panel. No women in the future? #sxswi #
  • You (journalists) have to be on both sides, figure out how to write, be interactive and design. #cmanyc10 #
  • WaPo's newspaper also gets changed, much more visual. #cmanyc10 #
  • @JosephStash Mmm, @brianstelter talked about working for 4 years before he got a real paying job. #cmanyc10 in reply to JosephStash #
  • The diversification of the WaPo product also means more fronts for competition. #cmanyc10 #
  • "Web design is very formated still… where there is engagement is very different."… "It can be done better." – WaPo's Tan Ly #cmanyc10 #
  • @JosephStash It seems first rung on the latter is to build ur own brand, work outside the industry. #cmanyc10 in reply to JosephStash #
  • WaPo uses content editors to provide the interactive bridge between print and web #cmanyc10 #
  • WaPo Designers working over print and web provide continuity #cmanyc10 #
  • IMO: Dunno, this presentation sounds like it should be titled "WaPo takes shots in the dark." Not a feel good for the industry. #cmanyc10 #
  • @JosephStash I agree, serious disillusion is in store for anyone expecting to graduate and become a journ right off. #cmanyc10 in reply to JosephStash #
  • WaPo put together news design department that works over web and print. #cmanyc10 #
  • @KevinLoker Yes, but bleeding money while their doing it. Huge difference compared to presentation by NYT. #cmanyc10 in reply to KevinLoker #
  • WaPo thinking about stories in terms of how they are consumed online. Designing appropriately. #cmanyc10 #
  • New presenter speaking now, Justin Ferrell, News Design Director at WaPo #cmanyc10 #
  • Creating content for all products with an eye for consumption styles on separate products is a great idea from WaPo #cmanyc10 #
  • WaPo wants to design for print in a way that addresses how we read online. Interesting… #cmanyc10 #
  • Phone battery approaching empty. Not good. Forgot to bring charger. Anyone else here have a Centro? #cmanyc10 #
  • Interesting, WaPo is pushing more of their people to be duel-skilled. Print designers learning CSS/HTML #cmanyc10 #
  • @KevinLoker We need an Interactivity CMS/API that can take stories+enrich them on they fly. Real-time must be > then Twitter IMO #cmanyc10 in reply to KevinLoker #
  • RT @collegepublish: Looking for cheap food at #cmanyc10 ? Head west an avenue to 8th Ave. Lots of cheaper eats! #
  • All that being said, it sounds like WaPo may be moving in the right direction. A lot of good ideas here. Not sure about process #cmanyc10 #
  • Universal newsdesk handles all incoming news for both web and print at WaPo. Using Eidos (sp?) for a web+print CMS. #cmanyc10 #
  • Gah, internet is awful. #cmanyc10 #
  • Adobe Audition session is showing me that I don't know nearly enough about audio – #cmanyc10 #
  • Great helpful answers on sound editing with Adobe Audition from @beatlejase at #cmanyc10 #
  • Free photos are available all over, if you look and are not afraid to ask says Katie Schlientz at #cmanyc10 #
  • Outlines, patterns and textures are all great Adobe Illustrator resources for design #cmanyc10 #
  • Take advantage of vector imgs. #cmanyc10 #
  • has been cited as a good example of how to play with type #cmanyc10 #
  • Find local photogs and illustrators through Google,,, Also, keep in contact with folks. #cmanyc10 #
  • Via @JournalistFTC: 2002 survey-49% of US thought the 1st amendment gives us too much freedom#cmanyc10 [Well that scares the hell out of me] #
  • Check out the design on budget slides at #cmanyc10 #
  • One more session and the day is done. Thinking about food… #cmanyc10 #
  • @KevinLoker How 'bout an @GMUStudentMedia / tweetup meetup for food after last session. People up in rooms intested? #cmanyc10 #
  • Cell is minutes from death. Want to talk re:@UPIU, @GMUStudentMedia etc? I'll hang at 5th floor tables for a lil while after 6:20. #cmanyc10 #

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