- #occupyoakland is finally getting some real mainstream media attention. Not as much as it deserves, but some. It only took the MSM 48 hours. #
- @fredmcclimans Sounds good! #
- Reviewing Video Game Reviews http://t.co/AqJyZj4l via @nitemaremodenet #
- Should We Give Google+ Another Chance? http://t.co/l8BklhUO #
- OpenBlock to Help Rural Newspapers Get Access to Public Data http://t.co/lXDGo8u3 #
- Students Respond to Obama’s New Student Loan Plan http://t.co/VA4KN0y4 #
- The path of disruption: Did Newspaper Next succeed in transforming newspapers? http://t.co/GXhLYCPH #
- Reach News Junkies on the Second Screen http://t.co/233VTbN2 #
- Get Creative: Include Any File or PHP Anywhere on Your WordPress Site http://t.co/Q3vRmDkJ #
- Google says no to law enforcement video take-down requests #OWS http://t.co/RAQrzKX5 #
- Google+ Ripples show influence and how posts are shared http://t.co/gq9UsMpb #
- How to Break Into a Computer (And Prevent It from Happening to You) [Evil Week] http://t.co/aKtMlcB1 #
- "Meet Occupy Wall Street's anarchist-in-chief." http://t.co/ZV7U2NsW #OWS #
- "What I saw at Occupy Oakland" from The Daily Californian http://t.co/Dx2Gb7VR #
- Heron: “I think my job will probably not exist in five years.” http://t.co/CziSPMHI #
- Why not occupy newsrooms? http://t.co/gHOqaBB3 via @CICM #
- Heh, we just got our pitch to @GMUStudentMedia to sign on with Press+'s college media paywall. The pitch managed to not say paywall though. #
- Yes, Apple's Building A TV — And It Will Be Powered By Siri http://t.co/rjGWObUT via @sai #
- @ashpanic LOL. Too true. 🙂 #
- @alisonjk what exactly is going on there? #
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