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10 07 2010

Culture Hacker

10 07 2010

CULTURE HACKER focuses on how tech impacts storytelling. Media consumption is changing and Culture Hacker looks at how the collision of gaming, music, film and technology is changing the way stories are told and delivered to audiences.

Transmedia Storytelling: Getting Started « Culture Hacker

10 07 2010

Elan Lee: The “Rolling Stone” Interview, Part I « Culture Hacker

10 07 2010

Training and consulting services « Pursuing the Complete Community Connection

17 05 2010

Pinboard – antisocial bookmarking

17 05 2010

My Bookshelf | Electronic Literature Directory

17 05 2010

Google News Blog: Bringing Living Stories to WordPress

3 05 2010

Alice Born Digital: How Transmedia Storytelling Becomes a Billion Dollar Business

3 05 2010

Seven Paranoid Provocations on Ebooks and Digital Fiction – Tools of Change for Publishing

3 05 2010