- News is not dead: New York Times Company Reports $15.7M Profit http://t.co/0YdjvQ1S #
- In Silicon Valley, some dare to ask: Why hire a PhD, when a self-taught kid is just as good? http://t.co/ZoLP8maA #
- RT @lheron : Happy National Writing Day. The hashtag #whyiwrite is worth checking out. Background: http://t.co/PfQSbMsi #
- EA Wants To Re-Define What It Means To Be A Publisher http://t.co/JGnWiWOO via @nitemaremodenet #
- I must be a geek because I am super excited about our new ad server. #
- If you crowdsource a story, who owns the movie rights? http://t.co/ARJQk005 #
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