Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-04

4 04 2010
  • Randomly watching Bones on Hulu. Just noticed that in the background of the shot at S5:E7 05:22 there is an xray of Homer Simpson on screen #
  • RT @JimMacMillan: ABC Starts Live-Tweeting This Week; Will Other Networks Follow? #
  • RT @connect2mason BOV Student Rep gives a little insight into the nondiscrimination resolution. Wanna read it now? #gmu #
  • Check it out: I talk with @MacDivaONA about community management and the future of journalism. #
  • Surprises in WordPress 3.0 #
  • Learn Adobe Illustrator: All the Basics for Beginners #
  • Filtering and User Engagement with Chrys Wu | Building the J-Future #
  • Made it to the Mason to Metro just in time. #SoNM #
  • Anyone know if the Pew State of News Media event at GW has a hashtag? I was thinking #SoNM #
  • Thanks @loudoun – Hey @SMPAGWU @gwtoday is there a hashtag for today's Pew State of News Media event? I was thinking #SoNM #
  • #2TwitMe RT @SmashingApps: 70 Most Artistic and Creative Resumes Of All Time #
  • Via @lavrusik: Live live tweets on "State of the News Media 2010" event from @SMPAGWU [and me!] #SoNM #
  • Thanks @GWToday and @SMPAGWU Great to hear! Looking forward to Tweeting at #SoNM in reply to SMPAGWU #
  • Overhearing a convo about the uselessness of White House press conferences #
  • Skipped out a bit early from the upstairs food and got a nice seat near the front for #SoNM – I'll be live tweeting. #
  • Man, the big thing this morning is Chat Roulette type applications for news sites.GoGo Gadget News Shuffle? Interesting. #
  • RT @ryanpboyle: RT @smashingmag: Where is the fold? A nice little online tool – #
  • "We're from the media and we're here to help." #
  • Frank Sesno is kicking things off and talking about #gwu #039;s nifty programs at #SoNM #
  • RT @PEJPew: Watch live feed of "Transforming Journalism: The State of the News Media 2010" #SoNM #
  • Sesno is talking about their new website Sounds like it has some nifty stuff. #
  • "Our commitment to Journalism [at SMPA] … is stronger then ever" #SoNM #
  • Great lineup today, looking forward to the convo. #SoNM #
  • 'Discussion has always been a vital part of journalism' #SoNM #
  • The focus is changing more to the big events as well, people are not paying as much attention to the small stuff. #SoNM #
  • "Partisan self intrested news sites are growing … Old media do not know how to react" #SoNM #
  • The Partisan sites do not feel the need to tell people about where their funding is coming from. #SoNM #
  • The number of these Partisan groups will only increase says Rosenstiel #SoNM #
  • "The power is shifting to news makers" #SoNM #
  • The offering of speed and the availability of the tools means a big increase of citizen journalism. #SoNM #
  • "Speed and proliferation is seeding more power to those who would make the news." #SoNM #
  • Building audience loyalty through their perspective. #SoNM #
  • News is perceived as more of an argument, "rather than a authoritative finished vetted product" #SoNM #
  • Both sides [right and left] are angry at what they perceive as a biased media. #SoNM #
  • "Increasingly consumers seek out stories not news intermediaries" #SoNM #
  • Now popular stories are no longer fully subsidizing the less popular stories. Story and reporter brand is important. #SoNM #
  • If stories must justify themselves through metrics, "what is the incentive for civic reporting?" #SoNM #
  • "The fortunes of new and old media are more tied together than many think…" they both need a revenue model. #SoNM #
  • MSM and New Media are business partners in trying to find a way to make money. #SoNM #
  • 79% "never or hardly ever" click on an online ad from a news org #SoNM #
  • Only 35% of news consumers online have a fav site and only 15% would continue visiting if charged. #SoNM #
  • "Right at the moment people are not accustomed to paying [for news]." #SoNM #
  • Google "scoffs" at MSM display ads. They say the ads are not targeted enough. #SoNM #
  • "The idea that the old technologies vanish is not the case" #SoNM #
  • "People get their news throughout the day." #SoNM #
  • Only 3% of people get their news from more than 10 sources. #SoNM #
  • 56% check for news from aggregation. Around 30% from social media. #SoNM #
  • 28% "only follow news about specific topics" People like accidentally coming across things. Chat Roulette for News has a future? #SoNM #
  • People still prefer non-partisan news. #SoNM #
  • 7% of news sites get 80% of the traffic. Dominated by old media. #SoNM #
  • 67% are legacy media. Only 14% are online-only content creators. #SoNM #
  • Check out for more. #SoNM #
  • RT @SMPAGWU: Rosenstiel says at #SoNM about 2/3 of people want news from sites w/ no #bias Number hasn't changed in years #
  • Chris Sterling up now, talking about the media during JFK vs 9/11. The past of news media #SoNM #
  • Main panel up now. Jim Brady, Tina Brown, Susan Page, Antoine Sanfuentes, Charlie Sennott #SoNM #
  • Moderating is @franksesno #SoNM #
  • RT @digiphile: Tuned in … Panel w/@SusanPage @franksesno @TheTinaBeast @jimbradysp & @asanfuentes #SoNM #
  • @digiphile Thanks for the Twitter names. in reply to digiphile #
  • Ooo. We are starting with @TheTinaBeast and The Daily Beast. "How do you break through?" #SoNM #
  • "You have to regard yourself as putting on a show and firing on all cylinders at all times… our enemy is time famine." #SoNM #
  • 'There is an anti-hype culture' #SoNM #
  • "We have to constantly provoke … go against the grain." #SoNM #
  • "You want to say something different" #SoNM #
  • Special editions provide USA Today with a revenue source. #SoNM #
  • USA Today is now building communities on their website. #SoNM #
  • Via @AdamThierer: Susan Page of USA Today is nailing it. Explains: no silver bullet to reinvent #media many models must be tapped #SoNM #
  • 'Story telling is more powerful with multimedia.' #SoNM #
  • Antoine Sanfuentes of NBC is up next. #SoNM #
  • RT @acarvin: Page: there's better writing and less thumb-sucking now. (Thumb-sucking?) #SoNM #
  • "Is there news left in cable news?" #SoNM #
  • Primetime has more commentary. Was he just bragging about having 22min of news on NBC? #SoNM #
  • @ericaamerica I concur. The model is definitely changing. #SoNM in reply to EricaAmerica #
  • "The majority of the day [at NBC] is news." #SoNM #
  • "If you missed it, you can watch it instantly." #SoNM #
  • NBC thinks they're ahead of the game. #SoNM #
  • "New tech is a big plus." "That will transform the industry." #SoNM #
  • "You'll see a lot more of NBC news on various platforms." #SoNM #
  • RT @acarvin: Sanfuentes: it's a real plus that a correspondent can go in the field w/ a dvcam, laptop. That'll transform the industry. #SoNM #
  • Open discussion among the panel now. #SoNM #
  • First issue: "What are people willing to pay for?" #SoNM #
  • RT @SMPAGWU: Sanfuentes: "We've been seeing…pressure [financially] but it's in line with the technology that's now available." #SoNM #
  • Ultimately it will be like the network television / cable model. says @TheTinaBeast #SoNM #
  • "An HBO sort of model" – The Daily Beast is *not* moving towards a pay to read model. #SoNM #
  • @suzanneyada I don't think anyone has sufficiently filled the void. I do think that people are going to have trust issues though. in reply to suzanneyada #
  • Add Your Dropbox Folder to Windows 7's Start Menu [Tweaks] #
  • Contrast is King #
  • 10 Ways to track what people are saying about you on Twitter #
  • @Franco_F I've used it a few times. Back when they had a really good Facebook app, I used it to do a weekly app share via Facebook. in reply to Franco_F #
  • Milton Wolf Seminar: Al Jazeera English as networked journalism #
  • @Stratospherikal The first page of it was so-so, but after that I honestly thought it was pretty good. What have you heard people saying? in reply to Stratospherikal #
  • RT @mashable How One Small Biz Turned Their Company Retreat Into a Social Media Success #
  • RT @MacDivaONA: – Saw a new-to-me layout of the Twitter homepage. Then it disappeared, but … it came back again #
  • @MacDivaONA Yup, nifty. I'm seeing it too. in reply to MacDivaONA #
  • RT @NathanFillion Have you heard? CASTLE has a third season pick up! Cheers to you all for making it happen. Someone tell @WriteRCastle. #
  • @causticbob Well… it isn't… 🙂 in reply to causticbob #
  • RT @wpmuorg: Daily Tip: Want to Run BuddyPress on Multiple Blogs in Your WPMU Install? Here's how… #wpmu #socialmedia #
  • Despite Report, Future of News Media is Bright | Building the J-Future #
  • RT @lavrusik: Mashable Twitter list directory launches: Seems quite useful in tracking people down. #
  • Why You Should Never Pay More Than $10 For HDMI Cables [Infographics] #
  • Understand Your Camera's Histogram to Take More Balanced Pictures [Photography Tip] #
  • Facebook’s Amusingly Cruel CAPTCHA #
  • Johnston Press paywall experiment dropped #
  • Malleable social graphs and mini-mobs: why Facebook could destroy Foursquare and Gowalla with one check in #
  • I just walked past a student in north plaza who said she had never seen southside before. >.< #gmu #
  • @twEapen I'd love to maintain my account on your Tweet Tank if you still want to support it. Thanks either way. #
  • Gmail Becomes an App Platform: Google Adds OAuth to IMAP #
  • @connect2mason I've been watching students using it, it is starting to pop up all over. in reply to connect2mason #
  • @connect2mason And it will fail for exactly the same reason. Impossible to monetize people insulting each other and too many folks using it. #
  • @Mason_Photog Heh, awesome. in reply to Mason_Photog #
  • Is there a way to search tweets from only people in a certain list on Twitter? #
  • @samplereality It was very cool. Didn't realize it was the first time you'd used it. Pleasure to meet you in person. in reply to samplereality #
  • The Problem With the Performance Tax [Featured on UPIU] – #
  • The Problem With the Performance Tax [Featured on UPIU] | Building the J-Future #
  • The iPad hype machine needs a math lesson #
  • I want to tweet in 3D because my tweets have depth. #HootSuite3D #
  • Put the social back into social media! Here's a few tips on how to find events and get involved. #
  • Get Involved: Find Events With Social Media [How to] | Building the J-Future #
  • Cost and Redundancy Issues Confront iPad – #
  • RT @louisgray Want to See Twitter @Anywhere In Action? Boil an Egg. #
  • Sword & Sorcery, The IPhone's Mysterious Adventure [IPhone] #
  • Re: Want to See Twitter @Anywhere In Action? Boil an Egg. #
  • NYT Fooled Twice on April Fools' Day – New York Times – Gawker #
  • RT @JimMacMillan: RT @SeanBlanda: My company, @emediavitals, is hiring a staff writer: #
  • This Week in Review: The iPad’s skeptics, Murdoch’s first paywall move and a ‘Chatroulette for news’ #
  • Behind the Commandments: Moses's Untold Story (4/2/10) #
  • Is it time to revisit how we build and play Interactive Fiction? #
  • The Browser Future of Interactive Fiction | Hack Text #
  • ACP – 2010 Online Pacemaker Finalists #
  • Cory Doctorow: Why I won't buy an iPad (and think you shouldn't, either) – #
  • RT @TheNextWeb So you can now run multiple WordPress sites from a single installation (bad link in last tweet) #
  • RT @lavrusik: For some aspiring political broadcasters, breaking the law does pay (ahem, Blagojevich) – #
  • Spring 2011 College Media Convention: Early Thoughts from New Director #
  • @suzanneyada Def interested. I'm in for the normal time. 8PM right? in reply to suzanneyada #
  • SMU Daily Campus: “Why We Endorse Candidates” #
  • Commode convergence #
  • Haiti’s Declaration of Independence found by Duke student. #
  • Student Newspaper Column on Rape Spurs Apology, Debate #
  • What does This American Life look like? A designer visualizes the radio #
  • Links on Twitter: Hulu passes $100 million revenue mark, California Watch wants a “public engagement editor,” Yahoo… #
  • How I successfully turned my blog into a book: The Writing #
  • Student journalists should be more subjective. #
  • RT @brianstelter: Cali quake: CNN in full-fledged breaking news mode already. Fox on phone with L.A. correspondent. MSNBC in tape. #laquake #
  • @alexpriest Honestly? It's someone's opinion, their job as a paper is to print that stuff. I don't think the paper did anything wrong. in reply to alexpriest #
  • @alexpriest What do you think they could have done differently, beyond better editing? in reply to alexpriest #
  • The Field Journalist USB Drive: Version 1 #

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