Twitter Updates for 2011-04-07

7 04 2011
  • Conan O’Brien live-blogs his show on… Facebook #
  • NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship Newspaper Review: Butler Collegian vs. UCONN Daily Campus #
  • Facebook steps up efforts to work with journalists #
  • Movies with multiple Harry Potter wizards #
  • New Book Explores 'How Fifty Years of Videogames Conquered Pop Culture' (Eric Caoili) #
  • WordPress 3.1.1 is Ready for Download with 26 Security Fixes #
  • Geeks like me: What’s Engadget really worth? #
  • Geeks like me: What’s Engadget really worth? #
  • We're about to start the first session "The personal technocracy: Why we matter." Looking forward to it. Going to help run the CiL #wemedia #
  • Getting ready to help cover #wemedia (@ Digital Sandbox) #
  • Follow the tweets and more media through CoverItLive at #wemedia #
  • RT @SteveYavner: Three foundations #wemedia Its all digital… new trust systems… power shift to individuals. #wemedia #
  • "Google, Apple, Facebook, a few others … a business model that is about crushing the cost of content." #wemedia #
  • " … Is the new information empire better than the old one?" #wemedia #
  • "This is about the role of committing acts of serious journalism" #wemedia #
  • "I think they [the mainstream media] have done the wrong thing by chasing the iPad" #wemedia #
  • The key to good meetups: communication. At a good meetup the lights are up and the people are a community not an audience. #wemedia #
  • "It's very easy to forget just how powerful it is to give people the licence to talk to each other" – Scott Heiferman #wemedia #
  • "After 25 years of connecting with my audience, what if my audience connected with each other?" – Oprah #wemedia #
  • "The next generation Oprah will have local chapters everywhere" #wemedia #
  • "The most exciting thing in the future … is millions of people using their phones together" #wemedia #
  • "The media business is a [relatively] small business." #wemedia #
  • The big key to meetups is "Let's", let's help each other out, let's develop something cool, let's make ourselves exercise. #wemedia #
  • "There is a meetup RSVP happening every few seconds, 24/7" #wemedia #wemedia #
  • "Everyone's organized but the people" – John Gardner #wemedia #
  • RT @SteveYavner: "Story of me becomes a story of we." #wemedia #
  • Now @monaeltahawy is taking the stage to talk about 'Life on Twitter.' #wemedia #
  • RT @jenmacmillan: RT @walyce: The next wave in social media isnt media, its people connecting to each other. – Meetup founder @heif #wemedia #
  • @ksablan Hi! #
  • .@monaeltahawy started as a journalist in American University in Cairo #collegejourn #wemedia #
  • "9/11 killed objectivity" – @monaeltahawy #wemedia #
  • "If you can't find the job you want, just create it." – @monaeltahawy #wemedia #
  • Apparently WaPo reads every single essay and piece sent to them. Did not know that. #wemedia #
  • "For every 10 male columnists there is one women" #wemedia #
  • "What drives my opinion pieces is what gets me angry every morning." – @monaeltahawy #wemedia #
  • "It always struck me that Twitter was this marketing tool, but people in the Middle East and Africa were using it for real things" #
  • "It always struck me that Twitter was this marketing tool, but people in the Middle East and Africa were using it for real things" #wemedia #
  • Now up is @fimoculous talking about "Conversations with ourselves." #wemedia #
  • @burnsy1217 Build a conversation on the Twitter hashtag or the chat? – #wemedia #
  • "On the west coast you launch it and they will come. On east coast you market the hell out of things." #wemedia #
  • .@ThatKevinSmith was just picking his nose on the big screen. 😛 #wemedia #
  • We are looking at VYou which is a bunch of famous people staring at a camera. Right now it just switched to Piers Morgan. #wemedia #
  • ChartBeat, real-time analytics, gets a shout out. #wemedia #
  • ChartBeat is $10 a month for your average blogger. Does anyone here use it? #wemedia #
  • Shout out to Fairfax County with 1,400 new business the last year. Our office runs a feed with news there @FairfaxVANews. #wemedia #
  • Co-working spaces with small companies are popping up. "So many 22 year old kids working on start-ups." #wemedia #
  • "General Assembly" is the co-working space under discussion now. Check it out at #wemedia #
  • @GizziMonster I'm 23, guess it's just too old. 😛 #wemedia #
  • Now up is @corvida‎ of SheGeeks. #wemedia #
  • "Did a lot of commenting, reached out to people, talking to people on Twitter. … Helps you build a snowball effect." – @corvida‎ #wemedia #
  • 'I do it [blogging] for everyone. … It's not just let's right about something because we have a blog, there is a focus.' #wemedia #
  • "What is building a value, not only in the market but in life." – @corvida‎ on what she covers with SheGeeks. #wemedia #
  • "It [the blog] gives context to the conversations we have." via @corvida‎. #wemedia #
  • Q: "Is there a living in this?" A: "Yes. … I use SheGeeks as a portfolio, a springpad." #wemedia #
  • Q: "What are you going to do when you are 30?" A: @corvida‎: "Hopefully get my Bill Gates on." #wemedia #
  • Now up @curationnation / @magnify to talk about curation. #wemedia #
  • From my mobile phone with #qik #
  • From my mobile phone with #qik #
  • Err. So I think I'm live streaming with Qik. Maybe? Someone tell me if it is working #wemedia #
  • "Content is no longer king, curation is now king" via @magnify‎. #wemedia #
  • @l1br4r14n Yeah, I'm looking at the live stream and it seems waaaay behind. Audio is impossible to hear too? :/ #wemedia #
  • "Successful curators have a voice, and a content mix." Lists: Collect, Contribute, Create. #wemedia #
  • @l1br4r14n Sad. No idea how to fix. I have a full 3G signal too. #wemedia #
  • RT @craignewmark: RT @LorrieGrace: "Retweeting is a powerful curatorial instinct" — @magnify #wemedia #
  • The difference between a curator and an editor: 'An editor is a filter, curators are creating things that are often wholly new.' #wemedia #
  • "There will be a rise of experts." #wemedia #
  • 'People want experts' #wemedia #
  • @LorrieGrace In the metal boxes on the floor. They are recessed on the sides. #
  • "I think that great brands will prevail" says @steverubel. #wemedia #
  • .@steverubel says further data collection allows social companies to better insinuate themselves into your life and create loyalty. #wemedia #
  • @blogdiva I guess Google is one of the 'great brands' he was talking about. #wemedia #
  • Ian Heidt of Qualcomm is demoing Neer. Very location aware mobile app. Very nifty. #wemedia #
  • Check out the Ian Heidt's app Neer at #wemedia #
  • Q: Will the bosses use this app to track employees? A: We've intentionality positioned it for the people you care most about. #wemedia #
  • Neer encrypts data over SSL, which apparently not many apps do. #wemedia #
  • Neer's information is not accessible outside of Neer. It's about people. #wemedia #
  • I don't think it is a Pitch It contestant, just a demo. Looks interesting to me. Why don't you like it? #wemedia #
  • Nate Westheimer ( @innonate‎ ) will now tell us how to make things. #wemedia #
  • .@innonate: "Because we don't know how to code ourselves, we are going to keep making subpar products." #wemedia #
  • From my mobile phone with #qik #
  • .@innonate Sat in a room for 5 straight days and taught himself to code. When he emerged, felt he could build things. #wemedia #
  • 'Now that I can code, it doesn't cost me anything to build it.' is the tool. Very cool looking. #wemedia #
  • 'A good parent … discovers what the product wants to be, it's not about your hopes and dreams.' #wemedia #
  • 'Don't put these irrational desires into what you create, it doesn't have to be the biggest company ever.' says @innonate #wemedia #
  • Hey @innonate – When you get off stage, I'd love to know what resources you used to teach yourself to code. #wemedia #
  • 'When it is not for profit … even if there is one person who really loves it, you don't want to shut it down.' #wemedia #
  • "I'm doing this [learning to code] so I can make my own shit." says @innoate #wemedia #
  • "I can pull my weight now." [because he can code]. #wemedia #
  • Looking forward to hearing from Ben Berkowitz of @seeclickfix – one of my favorite tools for local. #wemedia #
  • Also we have Melinda Wittstock – @NewsiTnews – who is from NewsIt #wemedia #
  • Harold and the Purple Crayon is the book for entrepreneurs, Harold grabs his crayon, goes out and creates his own adventure. #wemedia #
  • First up is Brett Pierce presenting Meridian Stories. #wemedia #
  • Meridian Stories is a not-for-profit that features a series of digital storytelling competitions for schools around the world. #wemedia #
  • .@PandoProjects provides community organizers with site building and organizing tools. #wemedia #
  • @samplereality Yeah. I wonder if it is actually out of print or just pulled off Amazon to promote the Kindle version. #wemedia #
  • First big project with @PandoProjects promoted community gardens. #wemedia #
  • Tools to 'allow more young people to step up as leaders.' – @PandoProjects #wemedia #
  • .@PandoProjects sees corporate sponsorships and university partnerships as a way to build sustainability for the non-profit. #wemedia #
  • .@PandoProjects is sort of a meta-organization, organizing organizers. #wemedia #
  • @BobRossOK Does seem like a solid project with a path for progress. #wemedia #
  • Next up is Longshot Media. #wemedia #
  • Longshot media came from the decision to build a magazine in 48 hours. #wemedia #
  • .@longshotmag appeals to the student publisher in me. I can see a lot of uses in the University environment. #wemedia #
  • .@longshotmag is all about printing the stories of communities, building engagement through projects. #wemedia #
  • .@longshotmag has their own CMS to put content together. Print on demand company they are using now is Mad Cloud. #wemedia #
  • I like that quote on the slide: "like I reached into the Internet and pulled out something real." says @couch #wemedia #
  • They have a costs breakdown and timeline. Impressive. #wemedia #
  • You can see @longshotmag's website at – "Makes magazines out of Internet." #wemedia #
  • @francescabirks Seems more production, isn't that their goal, a product? #wemedia #
  • I'm not sure about publishing or Nike. I'd think the most potential for selling @longshotmag would be with events? #wemedia #
  • Stable Renters is up next. #wemedia #
  • I think for the next time round WeMedia needs to give presenters a wireless clicker. #wemedia #
  • Nothing is in place to keep landlords in place by tracking their quality. That's what Stable Renters is up for. #wemedia #
  • "88% of tenants in housing courts don't have lawyers and 90% of landlords do." #wemedia #
  • Stable Renters goes into documentation of scores, not just blank numbers, could be used for legal issues. #wemedia #
  • @kvonjan – that's the mark of a good idea right? #wemedia #
  • "Stable Renters won't save the world but it will make your city better." #wemedia #
  • Looking more at Wonder if it could be used to fulfill distance learning requirements for Universities. #wemedia #
  • Apparently there are quite a few mortgages that can only be paid off by breaking the law. o.0 #wemedia #
  • Next up is Neighborhood Pages. #wemedia #
  • Independent local media is the focus of Neighborhood Pages. #wemedia #
  • Neighborhood Pages looks interesting, provides services, advice. IMO: A franchise model would make more sense. #wemedia #
  • RT @PandoProjects: Check out our pilot projects! Http:// #wemedia #
  • That being said, local media desperately needs the type of service they propose to offer. #wemedia #
  • Cats and Dogs in the Neighborhood Pages presentation. #wemedia #
  • That's a good idea, track a Google ad campaign to measure possible interest. #wemedia #
  • Next up is FastCast – Read more at #wemedia #
  • FastCast – Get local news right away and on your mobile device. #wemedia #
  • 47% of people get their local news via mobile. #wemedia #
  • FastCast will be creating and curating content with professional journalists. #wemedia #
  • Revenue streams for FastCast – Conference services, event promotion, hotel and airline partnerships and local advertising. #wemedia #
  • Every entrepreneurial journalist should have someone to remind them that they need to make money. 😛 #wemedia #
  • We actually are just finishing the process to get a mobile video service for @GMUStudentMedia – @voped. #wemedia #
  • Clear Health Costs are the next up to pitch. See more at #wemedia #
  • Yay! A Prezi! I'm always a fan of Prezi users. #wemedia #
  • "The problem: prices are a mystery." #wemedia #
  • "You, the patient, knows nothing [about the price of medical procedures]." #wemedia #
  • Clear Health Costs is a transparency platform. Reports on prices. Crowd-sourcing. Data-mining. Blog and forum. Builds a community. #wemedia #
  • Curiosity: Would Clear Health Costs face information-request problems due to HIPAA? #wemedia #
  • 175 million people is Clear Health Costs' potential audience. #wemedia #
  • 'Transparency brings lower prices' #wemedia #
  • "If they see self-interest, they'll do it [put medical information on the web.]" #wemedia #
  • @danaseverance Not sure. I'll see if I can hunt the presenter down and ask. #
  • @susanmernit Curiosity: Heard that franchising was part of your model but didn't see that in presentation. Still considering? #wemedia #
  • Clear Health Costs is giving out transparencies to promote their site. Clever. #wemedia #
  • Next up is @stoweboyd to tell us about 'The social future of work.' #wemedia #
  • @susanmernit Like we spoke of, I think that many people desire the sort of credibility that a franchise might bring. #wemedia #
  • "As usual, the introduction of new media leads to people doing things that they couldn't do before." – @stoweboyd #wemedia #
  • "On the web all roads lead back to us." – @stoweboyd #wemedia #
  • "We've taken back the open social discourse that the media was supposed to provide and did a really terrible job of" – @stoweboyd #wemedia #
  • "Us nattering among ourselves can become the most important thing in the world." #
  • "Us nattering among ourselves can become the most important thing in the world." #wemedia #
  • "Us nattering among ourselves can become the most important thing in the world." – @stoweboyd #wemedia #
  • "Increasingly … our sense of self is decided by who we follow." – @stoweboyd #wemedia #
  • "Social tools … actually change our minds. … Our minds are shaped by the tools we use." says @stoweboyd #wemedia #
  • 'If you expose old people to flight training software, their ability to drive increases significantly.' says @stoweboyd #wemedia #
  • 'Multi-tasking may take 10,000 hours to build as a skill, like other human skills.' says @stoweboyd #wemedia #
  • "Facebook is the new AOL." says @stoweboyd – They are threatened by new social OSs #wemedia #
  • 'Switching to a notion of businesses as networks … more like a city than an army.' – @stoweboyd #wemedia #
  • "In the future you won't apply to businesses, you'll just move there and start working." says @stoweboyd #wemedia #
  • "The future is here, it's just unevenly distributed." @stoweboyd quoting Gibson. #wemedia #
  • Now we get to a conversation with Craig Newmark ( @craignewmark ). #wemedia #
  • Talking about @craignewmark's new project #wemedia #
  • RT @PBSMediaShift: 7 Social Lessons Learned from the MediaShift Mixer (by @mediatwit / @PBSMediaShift) #wemedia #
  • .@craignewmark is trying to find what people will pay for news media. #wemedia #
  • Ahhh, PINE. #wemedia #
  • "I try to avoid having vision." says @craignewmark #wemedia #
  • "People like us are going to use the net to change the balance of power." says @craignewmark #wemedia #
  • .@craignewmark wants to establish "networks of fact-checking that includes professionals and citizens." #wemedia #
  • 'Citizen journalism, perhaps, hasn't worked so well.' says @craignewmark #wemedia #
  • RT @stoweboyd: Anyone wanting more information about The Future Social World can sign up here: #wemedia #
  • Time to award these pitches. #wemedia #
  • @busterbenson That sounds nifty. #
  • The winner is…. #wemedia #
  • The first winner is @PandoProjects ! #wemedia #
  • The second winner is Stable Renters! #wemedia #
  • .@PandoProjects one of the reasons they were picked was because they were turning ideas into action. #wemedia #
  • Really enjoyed #wemedia today. Hope you enjoyed my tweets. I've got some video content to drop down, but that'll be when I get home #
  • I'm at Yummy House (76 3rd Ave, at E 11th St, New York) #

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