Twitter Updates for 2011-09-01

1 09 2011
  • @alexpriest Good! #
  • Curious about new social network UNTHINK? Did research, should aid anyone writing an article, includes phone# – #
  • RT @laurenmichell: Government sues to block AT&T, T-Mobile merger #
  • RT @benfrench: YES. The next James Bond movie is finally underway. Set to shoot in India with Sam Mendes directing. #
  • @yo_stellar Hey Stellar, is stuff from a month or two years ago supposed to be showing up on the front page of my flow? Shouldn't it be new? #
  • JCPenney Sweatshirt Says "I'm Too Pretty To Do Homework" #
  • The Juror Who Facebooked and Tweeted During Trial #
  • Amazon’s new @author feature launches, and changes (just a bit) what a book is all about #
  • Using Gmail, Calendar and Docs without an Internet connection #
  • Sony Finally Fully Unveils Its Android Tabs, The Sony S and P #
  • College weight gain becoming more than the typical ‘freshman fifteen’ #
  • AP sports editors, managing editors blast University of Kentucky for punishing student reporter #
  • @FernandaBF7 Hi! Glad to add you on LinkedIn. Did you complete your degree or are you still a student at Mason? #
  • @alexpriest Oh, so I'm not the only one who occasionally misspells his own name? *whew* That's good to know. #
  • RT @eric_andersen: Whoa, interesting @manyeyes chart from @ctr4socialsoft: Top 20 worst passwords /via @igreif #
  • @ashpanic Sorry, last week or so was a killer. >.< On Sun. I will have free time again, it will be glorious+nightmaremode is 1st on my list. #
  • @fernandabf7 Always changing :P. You still in the DC metro area? #
  • @yo_stellar Ok, I guess it is new people getting on the service and seeing old favs on other's profiles. #
  • Google’s Blogger Network Gets A Makeover #
  • Mirror, mirror: The New York Times wants to serve you info as you’re brushing your teeth #
  • Social Media’s Long Tail of Industry Disruption #
  • @fernandabf7 Sweet! My home town. Good place to be. Give me a heads up if there's anything I can help with. #
  • @jimgroom Sad I missed it. Do you know when the archive will be up? #
  • @talan One can only hope. It'll save an entire generation from back problems. #
  • One of those days where I've worked for over 12 hours and still not done. Ugh. 2 days 14 hours before workload returns to sanity. #

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