Twitter Updates for 2011-04-12

12 04 2011
  • How to steal like an artist #
  • "From Revolution to Evolution: How Emerging Media Empower Democracy" in 10 minutes. #iweek #gmu #gmujournalism #
  • Good to see @yongclee at the #gmujournalism event today. #
  • Facebook and the No Contact Order #
  • Facebook and the No Contact Order #
  • Getting a few intro videos for the participants. #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • People "are able to compare and contrast different reports." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • New technology allows for "opportunities for cooperation, coordination and change." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Has Al Jazeera freed itself from controversy in the west? #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Al Jazeera has had more conflicts with Arabic countries than with Western ones, regularly gets thrown out of states. #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Discussing Mohamed Bouazizi and Al Jazeera's coverage of him. Wikipedia: #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Now there is no [communications] lag." says Burman in discussion of spreading revolutions. #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Conflict analysis and revolution – the backdrop of revolution has been a global confrontation between US and others. #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • RT @yongclee: @mgopin: Backdrop of relationship btwn cities like DC and revs is one of global confrontation. #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • .@mgopin talking about social network theory, you can read more in his latest book – #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Vision without action is a hallucination" #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • .@mgopin 'comes from a community where the people saw these revolutions as something to fear.' #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • 'The media has moved towards public voices, away from exacerbating conflict' #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Most media coverage is based on drama." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "It [mainstream media] shows models on where [repressive] behavior is going on." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Social media connects people who are willing to take a stance." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "You need to make some choices about which media you are going to pay attention to…which you are going to utilize" #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Al Jazeera's story was very different than the Western media. "Not as commercially driven." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "The fact that it [the Arabic revolutions] happened should have taken no one by surprise" #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Anyone who had experience moving in and out of the Middle East … [realized] that it was a house of cards." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • 'The Western approach to this part of the world was so self-serving' #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Burman: "Society snapped." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "At the end of the day, the media must help people … to understand the process that is at play." – Burman #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • 'Media doesn't pay attention to events without drama' #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Unless we have hundreds of thousands of people with us, we don't have drama." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Very hard in the visual media to sustain this [coverage of revolutions]." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Q: Can consumer power change the media's behavior? Do consumers want to? #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Not all the media is commercially driven … a range of different types of media." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • No longer is it "just a silent audience." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Mainstream Western media is "just broken" says Burman. #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Demand that the windows be kept open [for better media]." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Q: How does Al Jazeera deal with nation to nation problems in ME without a single base group? #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • 'AJE offers to people who care a more world-wide look at the news.' "We don't have a home team." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • AJE appeals to those "who feel that they don't have any other alternative." says Burman. #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "People have got to decide if they want that type of global coverage." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "I don't think that most media outlets are complacent, [but] they don't have access." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "As our need for better information [increases] … there are less outlets providing that information." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Talking about the increasing cuts to international bureaus in news organizations, opens up opportunities for others. #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Al Jazeera almost has no competition [in the Middle East] because the competition has no credibility." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Q: Are we being taught to value the wrong information? #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "History is more art than science … you have to be very cautious of believing accepted wisdom." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "One of the things that perpetuate conflicts … is the fear of the unknown." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Fear runs amok in not only media, but in history documentation as well." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Q: What has made some revolutions succeed instead of slow/fail? #smcedu #gmujournalism #
  • 'In one part the difference between a solid country and one that has been cobbled together.' #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "People didn't anticipate the tribes and allegiances there [in Libya]." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Gaddafi doesn't care about public opinion." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Q: Does the media fail to report on the aftermath of revolutions? A: "Yes" #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • .@TechChange More low-cost internet enabled eInk devices like the Kindle I hope. #smcedu #edtech. #
  • 'News will never make the type of money that entertainment makes.' #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • 'Making money is the wrong model for news, you have to be more community-minded.' #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "Only here in the US to you have such a small under-resourced PBS … and NPR." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "It's about having a moral conscience." "The social contract [for responsible news reporting] is over." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • We seek out more in-depth coverage and the mainstream media is not providing it. #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • "As the world gets more combative, we need information so that we can make good decisions." #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • And we're done. Thanks for watching folks. #gmujournalism #smcedu #
  • Stress is a common theme for students – #

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