- Welcome Back Special: Advice for New Journalism Students http://j.mp/oJnF81 #
- Google+ for journalism education and student media http://j.mp/n4dEzA #
- Check out the social media table in North Plaza! #gmu #preamble #
- Three Ways To Use Storify’s New Slideshow Feature http://j.mp/oSwVLt #
- Kentucky Restricts Student Newspaper Access to Basketball Team in Response to Report About Walk-Ons http://j.mp/o6d1ij #
- Our Robots http://j.mp/oHUDsi #
- Tool of the week for journalists – ifttt, a promising app for dealing with data http://j.mp/ozZyqz #
- The Digital Game Museum Makes An Appearance At PAX (Matthew Hawkins) http://j.mp/oqw6RD #
- Deus Ex tops UK chart http://j.mp/or3uWc #
- First Digital Lit, First Video Game? http://j.mp/r3KQUI #
- Twitter takes boldest step yet in Washington http://j.mp/p01bHA #
- 12 hour day. One big Welcome Week event down, one humongous Welcome Week event to go. Whew #gmu #
- @yasmintadjdeh Nice to have you back! #
- I need a better tool for managing (creating/modifying) Twitter lists. Any ideas? #
- Oh hey… that's sort of cool. #bluehost found a timthumb script I had forgotten to update and updated it for me. That's nice of them. #
- @helenhousandi I think once you get locked into the system, it would take too long for it to be worth switching. #
- @andrea_r That's great for looking at the tweets but I'd like to look at the folks I'm following + see what lists they are in at a glance. #
- @helenhousandi Yeah, it goes w/Esperanto in 'Things that totally make sense if only everyone wasn't too busy to learn them from scratch.' 🙂 #
- @helenhousandi Yeah, an awesome idea. Shatner filmed a movie in it http://ow.ly/6h9hZ . Too bad no one has the time to learn the language. #
- Amazon is testing a slick new site design, built with tablets in mind (Matt Brian/The Next Web) bit.ly/nI68Ql #
- @nakeva I suspect it's because Dropbox is pretty awesome. 🙂 #
- @nakeva I've been using it a lot for design projects with big files. I've also been using it to sync files between home and work computers. #
- Ok… stumbled my way on to Stellar. Are you on there? Send me a link so I can follow you. #
- @alexpriest I hope the weather stays like this forever. Can we do that? #
- @nakeva I use it for both. The most use is probably for coordinating who I hire or contract. Designers and videographers most of all. #
- @nakeva Yeah, its simplicity is definitely an asset for folks who aren't very into tech. #
- @jimmacmillan Dogs have the best lawyers. The dogs find them through all their Twitter and Facebook profiles. 😉 #
- @nakeva The latest version of Adobe Bridge is useful for performing batch actions and organizing lots of photos. #
- @nakeva And running XAMPP as a local server is absolutely essential for web design. Huge time saver. #
- Weirdest politically correct marketing phrase? Changing "pet owner" to "pet parent." #saywhat #
- @alexpriest Good! #
- Curious about new social network UNTHINK? Did research, should aid anyone writing an article, includes phone# – http://t.co/xkmO0JH #
- RT @laurenmichell: Government sues to block AT&T, T-Mobile merger http://t.co/dTF1yY0 #
- RT @benfrench: YES. The next James Bond movie is finally underway. Set to shoot in India with Sam Mendes directing. http://t.co/iTRV4oe #
- @yo_stellar Hey Stellar, is stuff from a month or two years ago supposed to be showing up on the front page of my flow? Shouldn't it be new? #
- JCPenney Sweatshirt Says "I'm Too Pretty To Do Homework" http://j.mp/pGQXb8 #
- The Juror Who Facebooked and Tweeted During Trial http://j.mp/nOHzcC #
- Amazon’s new @author feature launches, and changes (just a bit) what a book is all about http://j.mp/pxRyi7 #
- Using Gmail, Calendar and Docs without an Internet connection http://j.mp/otZqPs #
- Sony Finally Fully Unveils Its Android Tabs, The Sony S and P http://j.mp/o0YVqT #
- College weight gain becoming more than the typical ‘freshman fifteen’ http://j.mp/r1kDbZ #
- AP sports editors, managing editors blast University of Kentucky for punishing student reporter http://t.co/h0mNKrq #
- @FernandaBF7 Hi! Glad to add you on LinkedIn. Did you complete your degree or are you still a student at Mason? #
- @alexpriest Oh, so I'm not the only one who occasionally misspells his own name? *whew* That's good to know. #
- RT @eric_andersen: Whoa, interesting @manyeyes chart from @ctr4socialsoft: Top 20 worst passwords http://j.mp/no18TQ /via @igreif #
- @ashpanic Sorry, last week or so was a killer. >.< On Sun. I will have free time again, it will be glorious+nightmaremode is 1st on my list. #
- @fernandabf7 Always changing :P. You still in the DC metro area? #
- @yo_stellar Ok, I guess it is new people getting on the service and seeing old favs on other's profiles. #
- Google’s Blogger Network Gets A Makeover http://j.mp/p7hcJQ #
- Mirror, mirror: The New York Times wants to serve you info as you’re brushing your teeth http://j.mp/ohK09R #
- Social Media’s Long Tail of Industry Disruption http://j.mp/o89tF0 #
- @fernandabf7 Sweet! My home town. Good place to be. Give me a heads up if there's anything I can help with. #
- @jimgroom Sad I missed it. Do you know when the archive will be up? #
- @talan One can only hope. It'll save an entire generation from back problems. #
- One of those days where I've worked for over 12 hours and still not done. Ugh. 2 days 14 hours before workload returns to sanity. #
- @eric_andersen Thank you! #
- @digin4ed Ahhhh life… #
- YC’s Patent Pledge Asks Tech Companies To Grant Startups Patent Immunity | TechCrunch http://j.mp/nWIkQS #
- Myths vs. Mythology? http://j.mp/nhMsqY #
- North Dakota Student Newspaper in the Red Due to Drop in Campus Advertising http://ow.ly/6iyiL #
- RT @andrea_r: omg, you guys. GUYS. Lego Angry Birds. http://t.co/KHWQgwz LEGO. ANGRY. BIRDS. #
- Rick Perry Proposed ‘Bi-National’ U.S.-Mexico Obamacare Before 9/11 http://j.mp/qgzv2K #
- Ask Authors Questions from Within Kindle or Amazon's Author Page [Kindle] http://j.mp/o6sCz2 #
- @talan To which there are only two responses, this – http://ow.ly/6izKd and this – http://ow.ly/6izSi [Penny Arcade standard cursing] #
- RT @amichel: Get embroiled in journo debates over objectivity? Read @mthomps on science's 'reproducibility' concept http://t.co/vXJXRLK #
- RT @josephstash: The arrogance of tech: http://t.co/6uRLDlV #
- @afg85 Well… he's asking realllllllly nicely. Like with a cherry on top. #
- RT @pgillin: Another great @HubSpot free resource: How to Generate Leads Using LinkedIn. http://ow.ly/6izF8 #
- Why Schools Should Stop Banning Cell Phones, and Use Them for Learning http://j.mp/oeXNQV #
- MT @jillfoster The 2 types of presenters: which are you? Careful or Carefree? http://t.co/wRHSSag via the smart+insightful @OliviaMitchell #
- Interesting: Ivy League Fooled: How America's Top Colleges Avoid Real Diversity http://ow.ly/6iW8M #
- @jillfoster Me too! I have had a lot of work for a while, but I think things are going to become a bit more relaxed for me soon. #
- Google marks Chrome’s 3rd birthday with a nifty interactive infographic http://t.co/ZdY6tfi via @TNWgoogle #
- Stephen King’s new eBook, Mile 81, will be available first to Klout influencers through Klout Perks – http://ow.ly/6j3hp #
- "The Washington Post is closing all of its local bureaus, besides the ones in state capitals Richmond and Annapolis." http://t.co/79GA1sj #
- TechCrunch's Arrington Steps Back As Managing Editor To Start CrunchFund http://j.mp/rrNRfL #
- Five Tricks For Blogging From The Field http://j.mp/rgYrkQ #
- Optimize The Google +1 Button http://j.mp/oPnOn7 #
- Where are all the journalism venture capitalists? http://j.mp/pTrzB6 #
- Inside the Seattle Times’ basement http://j.mp/qFsLye #
- What Happens When A City Loses Its Newspaper? http://t.co/4x2PZ3g #
- Videogame History Museum Goes $20K Over Funding Goal (Danny Cowan) http://j.mp/pSLxZt #
- Minecraft Made In Minecraft (Matthew Hawkins) http://j.mp/ouoPfF #
- Add a Community to Your Blog with BlogFrog http://j.mp/r8pwBt #
- Virtual Life Satisfaction http://j.mp/qFMJs6 #
- Poll: 8 in 10 say it's a recession http://j.mp/r7PBtZ #
- RT @srubenfeld: RT @nytimes: U.S. Said to Be Ready to Sue Banks Over Mortgages http://t.co/IqSVo7l #
- RT @digidave: I'm reading: It’s not just nice for media to be social — it’s imperative http://t.co/wzbZqIc #
- RT @eric_andersen: Time for your business to get ready for Google+? 7 great tips on how to prepare http://j.mp/o8eiG1 /via @steverubel #
- @adamkissel Errr nothing? That is sort of unbelievable. #
- RT @cyberdad: 8 Productivity Tools To Save More Time | Tools http://t.co/vOJCtsb #socmed #
- Recently Lost iPhone? Apparently a Fish Tale http://t.co/ZxeqxAz via @nbcbayarea #
- Hunt day. http://t.co/gn9Ye0m #
- 5-Minute Guide to Getting a Job in Social Media [INFOGRAPHIC] http://t.co/SNkkPqG via @mashsocialmedia @mashable #
- @jillfoster How are you doing these days? I like the Silent10 project you've got on http://t.co/YsEmUug #
- Robert in 'Daily Caller': How New Federal Regulations Are Making Some Higher Ed Lawyers Rich http://j.mp/nhslfe #
- Louis Gray now lives in Chrome: Is browser-only the future of software? http://j.mp/nrAZLd #
- Daily Californian Column About Journalism’s Flaws Goes Viral http://j.mp/qFK42z #
- Introducing Journo Ipsum, for all your nonsense-about-the-future-of-news textual needs http://j.mp/mSl7Av #
- Daily Tip: Lazy Load WordPress Widgets for Increased Performance http://j.mp/qHXWGr #
- The GPL is for users http://j.mp/pw2buO #
- Comcast Will Charge for Hurricane Irene Service Outages, Blames God [Online Gaming] http://t.co/r2K6448 #
- The 7 Essential Elements of Effective Social Media Marketing http://j.mp/qZ6MaF #
- 6 Design Tips That Will Have Your Audience Licking Their Screens http://j.mp/p2GBjY #
- @jimgroom What's finally put you off the platform? #
- Rain or shine, The Hunt is still on. You can now head over to Southside to get some food. #
- @Mason_Photog Thanks! You should have come. #
- “RACing up the score.” #
- Awesome movie. Just great fun. You should go watch it. http://t.co/aSZPeHx @GetGlue #FrightNight #
- I unlocked the Fright Night Box Office sticker on @GetGlue! http://t.co/IrnF9KR #
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