Daily Tip: Hack the WordPress Loop to Exclude Subcategories – WordPress MU and BuddyPress plugins, themes, support, tips and how to’s
10 06 2010Tags : cms, code, development, fonts, howto, plugin, theme, tutorial, twitter, typography, webdesign, wordpress
Categories : Links
How to Upgrade WPMU 2.9.2 to WordPress 3.0 in 5 Easy Steps – WordPress MU and BuddyPress plugins, themes, support, tips and how to’s
10 06 2010Tags : cms, code, development, fonts, howto, plugin, theme, tutorial, twitter, typography, webdesign, wordpress, wordpress3
Categories : Links
Coding for Journalists 101: Go from knowing nothing to scraping Web pages. In an hour. Hopefully. | Danwin: Dan Nguyen, in short
16 05 2010Tags : code, tutorial, webdesign
Categories : Links
How to add a custom icon to your custom post type « WordPress Development Updates
7 04 2010Tags : code, development, wordpress
Categories : Links